Recent content by Ahlatshah

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    TR Oil & Gas Exploration Update & Discussion

    6 BILLION BARRELS OF OIL? Recoverable? That number is much much more than our wildest dreams.
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    Live Conflict Syria Civil War

    International relations is always constant struggle to breath my friend. The most important thing in Syria is (right now) disarmement of PKK/YPG, either through diplomacy or force of arms. I dont trust PKK no matter what, but If it is achieved with diplomacy, it is much preffered and welcomed...
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    Live Conflict Syria Civil War

    If (well, big if) that is true, either they will move to another country, or resist to disarmement and operation will be justified. Lets see how it unfolds.
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    TR UAV/UCAV Programs | Anka - series | Kızılelma | TB - series

    Akinci and Eurodrone are not directly competing with each other. For ex, Eurodrone is twice as heavier than Akinci and carrying 2.3 ton payload. Naturally much more expensive. Besides ED is not ready. Btw, actions of management team of Baykar is almost perfect to be honest. It is not...
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    TR Foreign Policy & Geopolitics

    Although our quarrel with Persians is very old, we haven't wage a war with Iran since 1639, Kasr-ı Şirin treaty But throughout those long centuries, they have always been hostile towards us We shouldn't become enemies again, but we shouldn't forget even for a second that they have never, ever...
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    TR Missile & Smart Munition Programs

    Yes it is P0. Coming from TUSAŞ GM
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    TR Land Vehicle Programs

    That Matsimus guy is invited by FNSS to review TEBER II turret.
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    TR Turkiye's F-35 Project and Discussions

    BOO= Built, Own, Operate
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    TR Defence Exports & Updates

    I am somehow very excited for this sale. First for my country to be honest. If we get one step back and consider ten year of span, we may not feel that way while in it, but we have reached a level in UAV sector that was unthinkable 10 or 15 years ago even our wildest dreams. Also, we dont have...
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    TR Defence Exports & Updates

    Yes indeed. But just like Bora missile exported version name Khan, i hope it can be transformed to an export version and even renamed depending on demand. BTW, defenceturk says 4 TB3 and Akıncı in a set. That makes 240 TB3 and 36 Akıncı.
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    TR Defence Exports & Updates

    In the presentation made to Polish deputies by Polish Deputy Minister of Defense Czesław Mroczek, detailed information was given about the equipment of the Bayraktar TB2 UCAV systems to be imported from Turkey.Stating that they purchased 4 sets of TB2 SIHAs, each containing 6 SIHAs (24 in...
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    Live Conflict Israel-Palestine War|Regional Escalations

    @Yasar_TR .Also, your comments especially for aviation is one of the reasons that I am reading and participating in this forum. You may just ask the sources, but this is not a sentence I expected from you.
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    Live Conflict Israel-Palestine War|Regional Escalations

    You are right, those who consider themselves as jew are 7.5 millions in US. But if you counting people with Jewish ancestry who may not actively identify as Jewish but have Jewish heritage, this number exceed 10 millions, according to American Jewish Year Book (2020), Writers: Arnold Dashefsky...
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    Live Conflict Israel-Palestine War|Regional Escalations

    It is not that simple and being an argued topic even in America. Majority of population are evangelists and they support jews. According to their beliefs, foundation of Israel is a clear sign of the arrival of Messiah. Also there are 10-12 million Jews living in America, it is roughly %3 of...

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