Barry's latest activity

  • Barry
    UK and the USA have no problem with Gaza getting glassed and 50K people getting obliterated. But somehow you people have the audacity...
  • Barry
    Barry reacted to Nilgiri's post in the thread TR Politics with
    It is why Ataturk republicanism (secularism, cohesive nationalism) route for Turkiye has served it so well....and bought an incredible...
  • Barry
    Barry reacted to Asena_great's post in the thread TR Politics with
    these are the one who cried victim for 20 years oppression this oppression that ! now they say to portion of population you will receive...
  • Barry
    Barry reacted to GoatsMilk's post in the thread TR Politics with
    If the global Zionist agenda is to destroy Muslims then you have to radicalise them. Make them fanatical like the wahhabists, make them...
  • Barry
    Barry reacted to Tonyukuk's post in the thread TR Politics with
    Actually we're both wrong, it's from last years May Day protests...
  • Barry
    The UK routinely denies the rights of it's citizens. If you know anyone that needed the welfare state you know they've suffered trying...
  • Barry
    Barry replied to the thread TR Politics.
    Greeks basing their entire cultural and social existence on their hate of Turks is great tbh. Not even a loving wife thinks of her...
  • Barry
    Barry replied to the thread TR Politics.
    Always funny to see the Arab Wanabe Umtards posting from whatever ME hellhole they live in to start talking shit about Secularism and...
  • Barry
    Barry reacted to what's post in the thread TR Politics with
    No one will forget how young people were beaten and shot at while PKK supporters gather in peace. These police officers don't deserve...
  • Barry
    Barry replied to the thread TR Politics.
    These Islamists and traitors need the Ali Kemal treatment. But as usual, Turks need to be on the brink of catastrophe before they wake...
  • Barry
    Barry reacted to Anastasius's post in the thread TR Casual Discussion Çay Bahçesi with
    Don't think you need Turkish TV series to make Russian women lose interest in Russian men.
  • Barry
    Barry reacted to Ryder's post in the thread TR Casual Discussion Çay Bahçesi with
    I agree democracy should be for smart people like this fellow gentlemen.
  • Barry
    Barry replied to the thread TR Politics.
    Live for the day we're free of Islamists, Uncle Mehmet sell-outs and whatever new skirt the PKK likes to wear.
  • Barry
    Barry reacted to Tonyukuk's post in the thread TR Politics with
    The police will fire rubber bullets at students protesting the illegal arrest of the Mayor of İstanbul, but won't touch literal...
  • Barry
    Barry replied to the thread TR Politics.
    Hopefully he was allowed to take his "amedspor" scarf to keep him warm in his cell.

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