Recent content by Bhartiya_Patriot

  1. Bhartiya_Patriot

    India HAL Tejas Program

    Whatever knowledge will be gained in the development of the New IRST for Tejas MK-2/AMCA/TEDBF etc, it will be used in the development of the IRST for SU-30 MKI.
  2. Bhartiya_Patriot

    TR Navy Naval Programs

    Thank you for your reply, coming to a shipyard to build these frigates, what are the Possible contenders from your POV? Sefine Shipyard?
  3. Bhartiya_Patriot

    TR Navy Naval Programs

    What is the current status of your TF2000-class destroyers? Have you finalised the design? Have you started the construction of the 1st ship?
  4. Bhartiya_Patriot

    India HAL Tejas Program

    Are there 2 separate projects for IRST? 1.One for Tejas MK-2/TEDBF/AMCA 2 And the other will be developed by both HAL and BEL in Co-operation for SU-30 MKI. Kindly elaborate please.
  5. Bhartiya_Patriot

    India HAL Tejas Program

    Photo of an LCA Tejas MK-1 with 3 drop tanks.

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