Recent content by Bluetooth

  1. Bluetooth

    Bangladesh Army Bangladesh Army

    Finally bd is getting them.
  2. Bluetooth

    Bangladesh News Bangladesh Foreign Affairs

    The current population of Bangladesh is 174,648,946 based on projections of the latest UN data.i didnt give bbs data as u would not believe it anyway.U can check online to verify. however u still have not provided any source for ur info that BD population is 190 million and 20 milion is...
  3. Bluetooth

    Bangladesh News Bangladesh Foreign Affairs

    Can you give source? U earlier said 20 milion population has been intentonaly u are saying it is 190 million.give source.
  4. Bluetooth

    Bangladesh News Bangladesh Foreign Affairs

    Our per capita income is only a little low than india according to imf report.While population is about 175 million. no report says we are going Pakistan way.
  5. Bluetooth

    Bangladesh News Bangladesh Foreign Affairs

    I think the contracts will go to france or others.and bd doesn't want to buy from italy as @Isa Khan said. MRCA to 🇫🇷 Satellites to 🇫🇷 OPV to 🇫🇷 /🇹🇷 /🇳🇱/🇬🇧
  6. Bluetooth

    Bangladesh Air-Force MRCA Program

  7. Bluetooth

    Bangladesh Army Bangladesh Army

    Is the army satisfied with vt5? Will more be orders?
  8. Bluetooth

    Bangladesh Army Bangladesh Army

    Should Bangladesh buy t72 or vt 4 main battle tank to strengthen our armour corps? in my opinion we should buy cheap tanks in large number as we are certain to loose many like in Ukrainian-Russian war. So quantity is preferable over quality.
  9. Bluetooth

    TR Defence Exports & Updates

    How did he get know about BD navy requirement? Is he involved with Türkiye defense industry?
  10. Bluetooth

    Bangladesh Defence Ministry To Get Tk 42,014 Crore

    How much of it for defence purchase?
  11. Bluetooth

    Bangladesh News Bangladesh plans to buy aircraft from Airbus

    @PutinBro boeing is not safe for passangers.
  12. Bluetooth

    Bangladesh Casual Discussion Chill Bangladesh

    এইবার একটা ম্যাচও জিততে পারবেনা।
  13. Bluetooth

    Bangladesh Casual Discussion Chill Bangladesh

    দেশ তথা বিমান বাহিনী হারালো একজন দক্ষ পাইলটকে। 🇧🇩🦅😥 আজ YAK-130 অ্যাডভান্সড ফাইটার জেট ট্রেনার দুর্ঘটনায় স্কোয়াড্রন লিডার মুহাম্মদ আসিম জাওয়াদ নিহত হয়েছেন। বিমান বাহিনী ঘাঁটি জহুরুল হকের প্রশিক্ষণ শেষে অবতরণের সময় বিমানটি যান্ত্রিক ত্রুটির সম্মুখীন হয় এবং বিমানের নিচের অংশে আগুন ধরে...
  14. Bluetooth

    Bangladesh Air-Force Bangladesh Air Force

    vai this is the 4th crash of yak 130 in BAF.even worse than old f7!

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