Parts production is not technology transfer.For example, America gave its technology for the f16 block30 with Turkey.And turkey is developing new aesa radar and ammunition for block 30, modernizing on its own
Let me tell you some things about technology able to develop the aircraft, install their own ammunition and aesa radar makin modernization.Sharing all processes until the aircraft is developed with the other party.Co-production and technology transfer are very different...
su30 and f16 4th gen aircraft,also Türkiye take tank motor technology not all of tank.It's delusional to want the technology transfer of a 5th generation one will give you the project technology they spent 25-30 billion dollars.Türkiye will agree on joint production and maintenance
Obviously, project partners and technology transfers will become clear before the aircraft is under construction.There can be co-production in terms of reducing costs and accelerating production.However, no state gives the technology of the aircraft it has developed for the 5th generation...
1st photo is tfx bulkhead 2nd photo is f-22 bulkhead.Tfx has 1 internal weapon station and f22 has 2 internal weapon stations.These photos show that the weapon stations will be vertical rather than horizontal.The photo shared by Afif is taken from the TAI poster from 2019.