Recent content by Enderun

  1. Enderun

    TR F-16 Özgür | Hürkuş - Fighter Trainer Aircraft Projects

    The second prototype of Turkish Aerospace’s Hurjet advanced jet trainer has completed its first flight.
  2. Enderun

    TR Defence Exports & Updates

    I have already shared this short article, which I think is relevant to our topic, on Twitter, albeit in Turkish, and I am leaving the English version here. Below are the steps that can be taken to increase the export figures of the Turkish defence industry, point by point. 1 - Increasing...
  3. Enderun

    Casual Discussion EnderuN Photography Virtual Image Gallery

    a work I have just finished
  4. Enderun

    Casual Discussion EnderuN Photography Virtual Image Gallery

    Hello friends, From now on, on this page I will exhibit my own AI and graphic programmes and other photographic works (I made all the prompt texts in the works I did with AI and then made some corrections and improvements with my graphic programmes). I decided to open this title because the...
  5. Enderun

    TR Turkish Armed Forces Equipment

    Sure mate, profile picture or whatever, you can do whatever you want.
  6. Enderun

    TR Turkish Armed Forces Equipment

    I would like to exhibit some of my own works that I have done with KI, if you do not mind exhibiting them here, I would like to exhibit some of my works.

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