Recent content by fq5n9v

  1. F

    TR Turkish Air Forces|News & Discussion

    Why are you so much afraid about F-35s, we're not planning to use them againts US are we. They will make it clear who can't we use them on and IF our politicians agree (like the last time) then we can purchase the aircraft. There won't be any suprise later.
  2. F

    TR Navy Naval Programs

    Nothing we can do but I'm sure alot of people care if it's going to be a 7 billion USD or 5.4 billion USD deal. You can build 2 more ships with the difference. Also building a ship for 2/3 of the price others do is a proud thing for the defense industry.
  3. F

    TR Navy Navy|News & Discussions

    What's MRADSAM?
  4. F

    TR Navy Naval Programs

    Sorry for my ignorance but isn't communicating with submerged underwater platforms is almost impossible? You may not need to control data collection platforms but how would it work for an attack submarine?
  5. F

    TR Navy Naval Programs

    They're also exporting OPV76 to Nigearia
  6. F

    TR Navy Naval Programs

    I've asked about that at page 134 and answers are at page 135
  7. F

    TR Navy Naval Programs

    There will be I-class betwen Ada and TF-2000.
  8. F

    TR Turkish Air Forces|News & Discussion

    I just realized the title of the video. Hakan Kılıç stresses that he isn't asking for Turkey and when Levent Özgül explains why those aircraft aren't good for Turkey shuts him down yet puts a title that says ''wich aircraft should Turkey get instead of F-35 and F-16''. What an...
  9. F

    TR Navy Naval Programs

    Over 1 billion USD seems unreasonably high for TF-2000. It would roughly have same cost as a Horizon class FREMM. Shouldn't it be lower at around 800 million range? Also this thread is becoming a pissing contest between Greek FDI and Istif class.
  10. F

    TR Turkish Air Forces|News & Discussion

    Hakan Kılıç says USA doesn't sell F-15X to Turkey unless Turkey accept terms like not to use them in operations abroad e.g . Libya and that's why we didn't buy F-15s but instead wanted F-16-Block 70s
  11. F

    TR Air-Force TF-X KAAN Fighter Jet Seems like TAI dropped X from MMU's English name. Is this new ?
  12. F

    TR Air-Force TF-X KAAN Fighter Jet

    Engine technology belongs to companies but if GE wants to sale or license the technology to Turkey they would need state permition right? This seems reasonable considering such deal would result on Turkey building more than 600 engines for TF-X but wouldn't this mean we will need permition...
  13. F

    TR Navy Naval Programs

    So they will replace Barbaros class ships with medium weight frigates and they're not planning to increase the number of frigates. Don't we need to increase both the number of ships and capabilities of ships together for a future aircraft carrier group while also having enough ships for the...
  14. F

    TR Navy Naval Programs

    Seeing all the news about future aircraft carrier project I assumed navy also wants to extend in numbers and not only capabilities.
  15. F

    TR Navy Naval Programs

    Should we expect news from a medium weight 32 VLS frigate project (something like TF-4500) anytime soon?

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