Recent content by Gautam

  1. Gautam

    India Navy Navy

    A small battle group of the IN's Western Naval Command (WNC). WNC has many such battle groups, some groups are a lot larger than this. The 4 ships are (left to right): INS Mumbai (D62), INS Talwar (F40), INS Gomati (F20) & INS Delhi (D61). Combined they carry : 2 x 100mm AK-100 naval gun 1 x...
  2. Gautam

    India UAV Programs

    Was it unconfirmed ? I've read it at multiple places. So I thought it was true.
  3. Gautam

    India UAV Programs

    Some old news: Underwater & surface drones: Matsya series of autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) by IIT-B: Matsya-6: CAIR developed drones Kalyani Defence Systems ECARS: SDE is developing an unmanned/optionally manned surface boat: There are a lot more. But that's all...
  4. Gautam

    India UAV Programs

    Indeed. The electric engine for the CATS Infinity/HAPS drone has been under wind tunnel testing. This thread has a pretty good collection of info about Indian drones. Let me add a bit to it: A video of the DRDO/SDE Skydock that will be used to re-charge, dock & launch VTVL drone swarms...
  5. Gautam

    India Space Indian Space Program

    @Nilgiri I am doing some compiling of ISRO's rocket engine components, turbopumps etc. on SF. This may interest you.
  6. Gautam

    India Space Indian Space Program

    They said so on their twitter page. Strange their twitter page is down. Can you access it ?
  7. Gautam

    India Space Indian Space Program

    Here is what we know of the Methalox so far : Dr. Somnath, the current director of VSSC, stated in 2016 that ISRO was developing a pathfinder project for Methalox propulsion. The engine was supposed to be small and produce around 3 tons (~30 kN) of thrust. They were just trying to develop...
  8. Gautam

    India Space Indian Space Program

    Which German website ? Gunter's Space Page ? Sadly we will be replacing the Hydrolox upper stage with the Methalox. The Kerolox lower stage is going nowhere. From a pure Isp stand point this change makes little sense. Maybe it is something else. Cost, complexity, materials handling & storage etc.
  9. Gautam

    India Space Indian Space Program

    Some updates on other missions: Aditya L1 solar observatory will be launched in Q3 of 2022 by a PSLV. XPOSAT observatory will also be launched in Q3 of 2022. the launch vehicle will be the new SSLV ! SSLV hasn't had its 1st developmental flight yet. The D1 mission is scheduled for next month...
  10. Gautam

    India Space Indian Space Program

    It is all very confusing at the moment. The photo posted shows the older configuration. This is the newer ones: I have heard of 4 different cryo upper stages being made so far. C32 : Under prototype testing phase. For augmenting the GSLV Mk-3 C34: As shown above C27: In the older...
  11. Gautam

    India Navy Aircraft Carriers

    CSL made a wonderful poster with this image
  12. Gautam

    India Helicopter Programs

    That is true. All the LSP helos are to be delivered at Initial Operational Capability (IOC) standard. The reason for ordered these units is so we can push them into service quicker & that the money from the LSP deal allows the manufacturer to set up production facilities. Later when FRP model...
  13. Gautam

    India Hypersonic Programs

    These photos shown above are from experiments conducted many years ago. Getting a scramjet to run for any period of time on the ground is easier than doing the same in air. A couple of years back ISRO was getting 250-280 sec on ground with their scramjet engine. DRDO was then still at that...
  14. Gautam

    India Hypersonic Programs

    Let me repost an old post of mine from SF. I think you will like it. A few old photos & diagrams from DRDO's Scramjet test stand. The test stand has a multi-strut based supersonic combustor. The schematic of the combustor is shown below: As the schematic shows the combustor is divided into...

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