Recent content by Grevion

  1. Grevion

    India India - China Relations

    Winters are setting and already there are reports of Chinese troops being evacuated due to hypothermia. Remember this is only the start of the start of extreme weather in Ladakh Himalayan range.
  2. Grevion

    India India - China Relations

    To hell with the Global Times blaming us for changing long standing agreements at the LAC. It was them who broke peace at the border by using rods nd clubs on June 15 resulting in casualties for the first time in 40+ years. Rules of engagement just cannot be allowed to change at the whim nd...
  3. Grevion

    Casual Discussion Introduction

    Thank you:) Thank you bro, been a bit busy with life. Its so good to see you here as a Mod.
  4. Grevion

    Casual Discussion Introduction

    Hi all, This is Grevion here. Been lurking around in different forums with username litefire/Grevion for more then 10 years now. Guess this is my 4/5th forum. This place looks kinda neat and brings back a lot of of old memories. Will try nd contribute here as much as I can.

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