I don't question TEI's capability of manufacturing engine parts, they are doing it for a long time. What i've questioned is that their and some other people's claim of designing and developing a proper turbofan of a class of F119.
LoL. Buddy, even a secretive country like china whose engine manufacturer doesn't have any shareholders publish a lot a research paper, just as india and russia.
You don't get all the know how of a turbofan just by assembling 50% of that engine. And you get only 0% know why by license producing...
As i said, I've searched the internet and i couldn't find any research paper regarding their development of turbofan engine. If you have any than please share
Sorry for being too harsh on my very first post but the truth is TEI doesn't have anything close to a fully functioning turbofan engine for military aircraft. If TEI is saying that they have already developed the core of the turbofan than it's either that TEI has employed some alien to do the...