Recent content by LeonBlack

  1. L

    Bangladesh News Bangladesh Economy & Development

    The video report is in Bengali. The pharmaceutical sector in Bangladesh is one of the most prominent sectors in Bangladesh’s industry. This sector is currently capable of fulfilling 98% demand of the entire country. Pharmaceutical companies of the country also export drugs made in Bangladesh in...
  2. L

    Bangladesh Air-Force BAF Starts Process To Modernize Second Batch Of Mig-29

    Read in one of the BD FB pages (not clear whether DTB or Defseca) that Bangladesh opted to not upgrade the landing gears with the BM upgrade. So they won't be able to utilize the max capacity. Not sure how true is that, but doesn't make sense to me why BAF would do that.
  3. L

    Bangladesh Casual Discussion Chill Bangladesh

    Okay glad I am not the only one. Tried it a long time back, didn't like it at all. Looks cool though.
  4. L

    Bangladesh Casual Discussion Chill Bangladesh

    Anyone tried the 7 layered tea in Sylhet?
  5. L

    Bangladesh Air-Force MRCA Program

    Hence they will do their arm-twisting subtly. They have influence over Bangladesh on multiple fronts. Bangladesh eventually will have to side with one camp. The Swiss can afford to be neutral because they are rich. Unfortunately same cannot be said for BD.
  6. L

    Bangladesh Air-Force MRCA Program

    Anyone has the feeling that Uncle Sam might arm-twist and we end up getting F-16s and not EFTs? In fact, we might switch completely from getting a twin-engine platform, especially now that we have upgraded Mig-29s for the maritime strike role. Sure one can argue that we have publicly announced...

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