We clearly see that when i big state wants to get something from a small state, other big state wont do shit as long as it gets its share. Nobody cares what happens to the small state or its people.
It is nice to see that after getting the gist of AESA radar, aselsan keep further enhancing the capabilities.
I assume it won't be an issue to develop and produce aesa flight radars for us anymore.
The photo has a printer fighter which is not expected nor acceptable for a prototype.
P1 p2 are being produced and this was stated many times before. Haluk Gorgun states that it is P1 but maybe he wants to express that p1 is close state of being completed for further tests.
Can someone explain what happened in 10 days? How the hell did 5 years long status quo changed in 10 days? How did HTS gain so much confidence all of a sudden? Who gave up who, where, why, how? I have so many questions.
Our next goal should be a 14 (20) kN engine. Two of them could be used to power hürjet and a smaller version of Kaan. Both EF and Rafale use similar -in terms of power- engines.
Aside from all mentioned, you can not fly the planet without an approval code from the us. Imagine you need it the most critical time and us is not providing the code !!! Only country with a code generator is Israel, of course...
I highly doubt these numbers are real. If these were real, Russia would have lost over 600 thousand soldiers/men from the start of the invasion. Even if you are Russia, losing 600.00 men would shake things..