A400M: Contract 2022, first unit late 2025.
C130-J: Contract 2019 (?), first unit March 2023.
Drama lagi kah? Mau nambah berapa episode?
Ujung2nya nggak ada yang tembus, Eagle maupun Petir 😞
Ini yang dilobby LM pihak Indonesia atau US? Bukannya yg lebih penting itu ngelobby US gov ya? Kita mah ya mau2 aja, tapi US gov nya setuju nggak?
Have to choose between F-15 or F-35. In the comments section it is mentioned that this lobby is to block Eagle, not to complement it. I'm worried the drama will get longer.
Buying F-35 when we are going to buy "Loyang" and "Sate"? I doubt this will happen. Unless the "Loyang" maneuver is to...
In the video, it was mentioned a little that LM seemed reluctant with our F-16 upgrade project. Maybe they want us to buy new planes rather than upgrade. Is this also what gave rise to the rumor that our F-16s will be upgraded in Turkiye?