It's rebadged Gurkha by Force Motors (India) from Indo Defence 2022. There is already plan to produce it locally, but since there is no more news since 2022, I think it is unlikely to do a local production unless there's a massive order like the Maung. The engine is using German Mercy, so not...
The V-hull of SSE's P2 VVIP
Many of the modern MRAP have a trapezoid V–hull because it protected the driveshaft / transmission shaft. Sharp v-hull can be made but it will make the hull very high as a trade-off, or if lower hull is desired, the sloping angle won't be too great.
Kozak 2M...
Manufacturing process of TAD Turangga
The V–hull can be seen
In the Tugasanda's video, the Turangga is stated to have STANAG level 2B+ mine protection
Turangga's driveshaft is located outside the hull (not protected by armoring) like Casspir. Modern MRAP usually has its driveshaft...
It's unclear if Anoa 3 (indigenous not VAB mk 3 Rebadge) will continue. If what this twt was (or still) true [image is spoilered btw, must click on the link if you want to see]
From previous "hearsay" the VAB rebadge would not be continued. This picture is the indigenous design, not VAB...
It is using the same platform as French Serval (using Texelis Celeris), with a similar protection level too. The Serval afaik is not classified as an MRAP but did have mine blast protection lv 2 to 4. However, it does have a V hull, just hidden behind storage boxes like Bushmaster / Sanca.
Not whataboutism, but historiography.
Historiography is different from history. Historiography talks about how the history itself is formed, or "approach to history".
It's like investigation about historical "facts" or data itself: Who is this Brawijaya? Who is this Malahayati? What is the...
I doubt they even know about that. Even if they knew, I doubt they even care to change the name. We also have other fictional characters in our ship naming, KRI Hang Tuah and KRI Malahayati.
Hang Tuah is a fictional character, his story and feats is partly based on the true story of Admiral Abd...
Belharra's bow and overall hull design is good for littoral seas with no big waves. It cuts through waves rather than riding it. The downside is that they should prepare to "get wet" if big waves are present, which could damage paint and equipment (bonus point if they don't have a forward...
I feel like there's more to it than what's claimed here. The comparison is not apple-to-apple, they should tested it in a same platform (painted Anoa vs regular Anoa). Badak is larger than Anoa and has more curves and angles to deflect radar waves and return it to the sender. What is the control...
Local equivalent of Mungo ESK?
Mungo is pretty small
Edit: The spec sheet seems to refer to a MRAP-like vehicle on the background
Okay... So what's the problem on this one?
In case of Toyota, Pindad did not ask permission to market their "carosserie" product to civilian, but Pindad already marketed them. Of course the permission isn't granted.