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  1. Saiyan0321

    Azad Kashmir claim on Gilgit Baltistan

    @Joe Shearer don't worry about it. Look the way I see it both countries put their hand in the cookie jar and and since the said countries were found by lawyers, they stretched the law as much as they can to gain legal and moral ground for their actions. This is what happened so where one side...
  2. Saiyan0321

    Azad Kashmir claim on Gilgit Baltistan

    Now that sounds like what we do is right, what you do is wrong. That's not how it works. Was your cabinet not contemplating a full invasion and felt that military solution was the only solution and Mountbatten had to pursuade them? Didn't sardar Patel's memoirs record that when presented with...
  3. Saiyan0321

    Azad Kashmir claim on Gilgit Baltistan

    And that is the jist Two governments recognized, two parties and the states that backed them. Perhaps they may have solved the problem if left alone but now it is our domain. Add to the MOX the complicated nature of the princely state i.e the territories only made it more complicated. Who knows...
  4. Saiyan0321

    Azad Kashmir claim on Gilgit Baltistan

    Doesn't matter if it was. Pakistan as a sovereign state had every legal right to recognize a revolutionary government. Did you guys create a provisional government for junagadh whilst blockading it and provided legitimacy to that government, an area which was again recognized by the state that...
  5. Saiyan0321

    Azad Kashmir claim on Gilgit Baltistan

    It absolutely does not. It truly does highlight that they simply thought of 1947 and saw the revolutionary government and its recognition as whom for all of Kashmir the only way whole of Kashmir could join with Pakistan. They knew very well that recognizing the azad government as only rulers of...
  6. Saiyan0321

    Azad Kashmir claim on Gilgit Baltistan

    Well that place pisses people off most people. Most recent being jamahirs anti-dog tirade and cherubs madness
  7. Saiyan0321

    Azad Kashmir claim on Gilgit Baltistan

    Well if you ask me if it was the most desirable of time to go for it then i would agree. Most certainly. Yeah i agree. The past is the past. For me East Pakistan is a chapter that is closed. So coming to the topic. Azad Kashmir has no claim on GB, We are holding elections and by God if PPP...
  8. Saiyan0321

    Azad Kashmir claim on Gilgit Baltistan

    The alternative was what happened. Anything was better than that. Frankly this entire battle would have started in the 60s. Think of it this way the legal argument was the nature of the constitution since he argued that he held the majority and bhutto argued that he held the most provinces. The...
  9. Saiyan0321

    Azad Kashmir claim on Gilgit Baltistan

    I dont think so. I just dont see it happening. Dhaka is 2000 KM away. We have south Punjab whining about Lahore. Sorry but there was every chance the country was eventually going to split. Werent there CIA releases that Yahya was going to let them be separate later on. War with India? perhaps...
  10. Saiyan0321

    Azad Kashmir claim on Gilgit Baltistan

    POWs nilgiri, you cant do that. A person that is legally a POW cannot be prosecuted like that. You need to call an international tribunal for him to be prosecuted for war crimes. Legal system of the capturing country is no authority to do that and doing so and punishing so is actually breaking...
  11. Saiyan0321

    Azad Kashmir claim on Gilgit Baltistan

    anyway with 7pm i am going to prepare for the night and simply state, i truly wonder if this arrangement would have worked at all in the future even if mujib had formed government in East Pakistan. Before 18th amendment people had problems from being ruled from a city 300km away from them much...
  12. Saiyan0321

    Azad Kashmir claim on Gilgit Baltistan

    I have studied the war myself in great detail, looked at maps and military resources and what could have been done and what should have been done. Frankly with the pitiful navy that we had, it would not have mattered if even burma had attacked. There were only three access routes to East...
  13. Saiyan0321

    Seventh Amendment and the Constitutional Evolution of the Country

    Well i would say that for this you need some every legal parliamentarians and their committees. Our legal evolution will always be hampered by incompetence so it is a slowly process Lets see where the constitutional evolution takes us. Our first immediate problem should be to solve literacy...
  14. Saiyan0321

    Azad Kashmir claim on Gilgit Baltistan

    I keep hearing about handling west pakistan. West Pakistan was not some weak entity that could be so easily beaten down. infact during the conflict the war machinery was entirely spent on the western theater and India was not marching all over West Pakistan nor could it have continued the...
  15. Saiyan0321

    Seventh Amendment and the Constitutional Evolution of the Country

    you know that guy actually had a whip right. Look there is little point of having whips when the politicians would simply meet others and them leaving would be even more damaging as they would jump ship. So once again lets say that you won a majority of 200 and are PM. Suddenly your hum khayal...
  16. Saiyan0321

    Azad Kashmir claim on Gilgit Baltistan

    Thank you. I shall try to do so. lets see if i can find a link
  17. Saiyan0321

    Azad Kashmir claim on Gilgit Baltistan

    Indeed. If you were to happen upon what those two have written, their discontentment came from the handling of the Kashmir war especially how far they were willing to go and little support they wanted to bring to the table. Both have written on their indecisiveness and have declared that for...
  18. Saiyan0321

    Azad Kashmir claim on Gilgit Baltistan

    Liaqat was not loved by Akbar khan nor by major Amin
  19. Saiyan0321

    Azad Kashmir claim on Gilgit Baltistan

    To declare it entirely purchased would be akin to declaring the entire region of Baluchistan and KPK was given up by the 'Iron amir' in the durand line agreement
  20. Saiyan0321

    Azad Kashmir claim on Gilgit Baltistan

    Frankly isnt that our position. That dogra construction was of a legal state, again in 15th august 1947 what was the legal position of all the states. Were they independent states or not? That is a major question and if they were independent states then that means that their artificial...

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