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  1. Saiyan0321

    Historical Book Excerpt; Governance of Azad Kashmir and Gilgit Baltistan

    that was a great thread. Too bad it isnt being continued on anymore. The Kashmir conflict, if we look at the military has many avenues. For example its not just Tribal invasion supported by Pakistan but we have various sections with their own struggles, the most important being the working of...
  2. Saiyan0321

    Historical Book Excerpt; Governance of Azad Kashmir and Gilgit Baltistan

    Yes a typo. I had to go so was writing fast
  3. Saiyan0321

    Historical Book Excerpt; Governance of Azad Kashmir and Gilgit Baltistan

    Pakistani and Indian soldiers? There were none and long before both formed themselves on the map there were the state forces as the state was a princely state so it had some military however it was nothing special since they were vessels to the british and the british didnt allow them a large...
  4. Saiyan0321

    'G-B to be made province soon'

    'G-B to be made province soon' Minister says PM Imran to make formal announcement soon ISLAMABAD: The government has decided to elevate Gilgit-Baltistan (G-B) to the status of a full-fledged province with all constitutional rights, including its representation in the Senate and the National...
  5. Saiyan0321

    Historical Book Excerpt; Governance of Azad Kashmir and Gilgit Baltistan

    Azad Kashmir Supreme Court is already there but it cant do anything in Indian Kashmir because that area is under Indian control. There cant be a merged and united administration because that would be conceding the ground that Kashmir is merged. From Legal prospective and @Joe Shearer will...
  6. Saiyan0321

    Historical Book Excerpt; Governance of Azad Kashmir and Gilgit Baltistan

    Any lands that nation have, is not going anywhere. The area is well guarded and so much blood has been spilled that there exists no question of exchange of land and for what. Lets say that India offers to give the vale of Kashmir, then what can we give in return. gilgit Baltistan, the vale...
  7. Saiyan0321

    Historical Book Excerpt; Governance of Azad Kashmir and Gilgit Baltistan

    Its amazing how a little information and a large book called law codes of Azad Kashmir can do and frankly it was there for all to see. Sardar Ibrahim boasted the poonch rebellion and even if we call it some foreign propaganda then what you cant avoid is the 2+2 that when the revolt started there...
  8. Saiyan0321

    Historical Book Excerpt; Governance of Azad Kashmir and Gilgit Baltistan

    Thank you. Well it didnt help the situation however the problem wasnt the muslim mindset, it was predatory policies. You see Pakistan wanted to keep control on the region since it always saw that the plebiscite was about to happen however post 1971, it became abundantly clear that the Kashmir...
  9. Saiyan0321

    Historical Book Excerpt; Governance of Azad Kashmir and Gilgit Baltistan

    It really is. This doesnt make for a good read especially when you look at things legally.
  10. Saiyan0321

    Historical Book Excerpt; Governance of Azad Kashmir and Gilgit Baltistan

    Due to there being a 30k character limit, i will have to continue the excerpt here Muhammad Din Taseer was an important figure in the Urdu literature movements and he was the one that told Sheikh Abdullah that Kashmir must become part of Pakistan.The areas of Rawalkot and Pallandri became his...
  11. Saiyan0321

    Historical Book Excerpt; Governance of Azad Kashmir and Gilgit Baltistan

    Ok... Below is an Excerpt from a book i am writing titled The Codification of Laws The Azad government knew that they needed to implement a system not just to bring order to the territory but also to strengthen their hold on the territory they now governed. To do this the Azad Kashmir...
  12. Saiyan0321

    The police reforms Pakistan desperately needs

    Whose existence I have heard from the horses mouth itself and of course the excuses how the under waged police and the poor robbers all have their hands tied due to poverty.
  13. Saiyan0321

    The police reforms Pakistan desperately needs

    Indeed And who cares if there is not just a string of robbery but firing that make it look like the LOC. The neighborhood comes out with guns when there is such an incident and they shoot in the air but that doesn't happen every time. Many houses have been robbed especially those that couldnt...
  14. Saiyan0321

    The police reforms Pakistan desperately needs

    Well its 10:16 pm here so i will be about to sleep but let me tell you about police. I live in Sheikhupura, district center, courts are a stone throw away, and about 1 min walk away are not one but two major police stations Thana A division and B division since the city is divided into two as...
  15. Saiyan0321

    Pak, China sign development agreement of Rashakai SEZ

    Pakistan, China to ink Rashakai SEZ deal BoI chief hopes SEZ will pave way for setting up new zones PESHAWAR: Pakistan and China are expected to ink an agreement today (Monday) on the development of the Rashakai Special Economic Zone under the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC). The...
  16. Saiyan0321

    The police reforms Pakistan desperately needs

    short answer; it is NOT protect and serve because the police is anything but protect and serve. I see this enough everyday and nobody expects them to be protect and serve. Where police comes one expects to be looted even more
  17. Saiyan0321

    Afghan peace talks couldn’t have happened without Pakistan’s ‘unconditional’ support — Zalmay Khalilzad

    Afghan peace talks couldn’t have happened without Pakistan’s ‘unconditional’ support — Zalmay Khalilzad US special envoy arrived in Pakistan on Monday and met Pakistani army chief General Bajwa US embassy in Islamabad says Khalilzad thanked Pakistan for ‘important’ role in advancing peace...
  18. Saiyan0321

    Featured Proper Amendment to Rape Law is the Need of the Hour

    I agree on it and it will be. The prosecution will go for the severest crime. Things take time to change. The removal of motive being a bar on harshest punishment is recent and slowly it will change but what we cant do is change p;previous offenses already granted. Protection from retrospective...
  19. Saiyan0321

    The police reforms Pakistan desperately needs

    The police reforms Pakistan desperately needs This tragic, terrible, horrific case has opened up a very narrow window in which something can change On September 10th, outrage erupted on social media across Pakistan in response to the tragic atrocity which took place a day earlier: the...
  20. Saiyan0321

    In TV show 'Churails', Pakistani women take on society's demons

    Islamabad, Pakistan - Ten women, dressed in colourful burqas and armed with hockey sticks, cricket bats and their wits, step out of a shop to confront an angry mob. Over two minutes, they deliver a sound beating to a mainly male group that had gathered at the door, having shown up thinking they...

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