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  1. Saiyan0321

    Pakistan, Russia may sign commercial agreement on NSGP project within 30 days

    China doesnt export gas. Central Asia and Russia do and there have been talks on building pipeline networks as well from Russia. Plus we are also trying improve our relations with Russia and have a better economic relationship with them.
  2. Saiyan0321

    India India - China Relations

    Personal experiences also create impact so maybe thats why.
  3. Saiyan0321

    Pakistan, Russia may sign commercial agreement on NSGP project within 30 days

    hope it is signed. Winter is coming and gas loadshedding can be a real deal here. Last winter was pretty hard and even in summer gas gets turned off post 10-11 PM thus for gas we need alternative resources. Electricity is a big NO since the cost of electricity is way too much and buying electric...
  4. Saiyan0321

    India India - China Relations

    Guessing Aeronaut and Windjammer
  5. Saiyan0321

    India India - China Relations

    Ohh the claim lines. I see. Withdrawal would be a bad idea. I highlighted that in june and i wrote the post above as well. Take what you can and hold it just like they took what they can and are holding it. No man land is too risky and the Chinese have already occupied some really strategic...
  6. Saiyan0321

    'Is this how Pakistan will be run?' SC chides federal government over KE's failings

    'Is this how Pakistan will be run?' SC chides federal government over KE's failings The Supreme Court on Tuesday criticised the federal government over its failure to properly regulate the affairs of the K-Electric (KE), saying the power utility was neither able to supply adequate electricity...
  7. Saiyan0321

    US seeks formal alliance similar to Nato with India, Japan and Australia

    Geography has been Australia's best friend in terms of military adventures and Australia and India will force China to beef up because China will use Australia as a convenient excuse to militarize and it will also militarize in the islands of the Indian Ocean and nations with whom China has...
  8. Saiyan0321

    US seeks formal alliance similar to Nato with India, Japan and Australia

    You know that ultimately surrounds us right. Anyhow not possible. Not until something drastic happens. 1. It would be too hostile to pakistan and i dont think turkey and Azerbaijan would enter into such a NATO like Pact where India is a part of it too. 2. Secondly The CARS are divided in...
  9. Saiyan0321

    US seeks formal alliance similar to Nato with India, Japan and Australia

    This will create a domino effect and China will try to create something similar to contain Quad which means more militarization of the region. Military pacts will only help spread the oil that a single match light will burn and this was seen in world war I where a single light forced nations to...
  10. Saiyan0321

    Macron: Turkey is doing operations in Syria without getting approval from Assad

    Forget everything. Did France take permission before launching Operation Chammal? France used two major excuses and declared them as legal doctrines thanks to the UN Resolutions in terms of Afghan war. 1. That France has right of Hot Pursuit against terrorists and terrorism is a direct threat...
  11. Saiyan0321

    India India - China Relations

    Ok so i would say the Chinese side is that White line and the Indian line is that Yellow Line and the LAC is the Red Line and the inbetween space is the no man land. Both of you are certainly dividing things up
  12. Saiyan0321

    India India - China Relations

    Everything seems to be working fine.
  13. Saiyan0321

    India India - China Relations

    uhh I am trying to teach myself chinese. Give me 4 years and i will get back to you. :D
  14. Saiyan0321

    India India - China Relations

    The way the incident is looking is frankly like this, not going to say i know much nor going to say that the Sino-India conflict concerns me like it concerns some of my PDF brethren however this is what i have been able to piece together. So give me some leeway So the situation happened on the...
  15. Saiyan0321

    India India - China Relations

    LOLZZZZ remember this post at the end of june @Joe Shearer i made to you
  16. Saiyan0321

    India India - China Relations

    Lolzz @Joe Shearer remember our conversation on page 4 when that conflict started and how eventually they will demarcate the border by themselves through extensive militarization and Chinese encroachment has now reached limit.
  17. Saiyan0321

    Greece to extend territorial waters in Ionian Sea to 12 miles, says PM

    That is good. Academic work will surely help the Turkish stance. Unfortunately the only words i could read on that website were university web and digital:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
  18. Saiyan0321

    Greece to extend territorial waters in Ionian Sea to 12 miles, says PM

    Well treaties come in this aspect that as long as the Law of Sea is satisfied then nations can delimit their sea lines and if two nations come into such a treaty then ofcourse it will take precedence as long as the law of sea was followed in that treaty as well. I read the treaty but couldnt...
  19. Saiyan0321

    Islamic Nature of Pakistan Laws

    Central Asian Republics.
  20. Saiyan0321

    Islamic Nature of Pakistan Laws

    What is Islamic and What isnt is already home to great debate however the islamization of laws was done by some of the best ulema and judges of the country. I think we found a good balance but we are an islamic country in the legal sense. An example of a muslim majority that is not islamic would...

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