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  1. Baryshx

    TR Foreign Policy & Geopolitics

    Japan already did not consider the PKK a terrorist organization. In fact, they support the PKK.
  2. Baryshx

    TR Space Space Programs

    We need such a command post for UAVs, UGVs, USVs and UUVs. :sneaky:
  3. Baryshx

    TR Attack & Utility Helicopter Programs

    Mehmet Demiroğlu, Deputy General Manager of TAI Helicopters, answered Defence Turk's questions on the latest status of TAI's helicopter projects and its future targets. Demiroğlu made the following statements on the use of indigenous engines in GÖKBEY "We will be giving three (GÖKBEY...
  4. Baryshx

    Germany Will Germany leave the FCAS program to join the British GCAP Tempest?

    Could India be France's next victim?:unsure: I don't take Germany seriously at the moment. A proper government needs to come to power. Britain should not take a country ruled by the sjw/woke/cancel culture/political correct mentality into the project. :p
  5. Baryshx

    TR Refugee Problem|News & Discussions

    Fetö also had such strategies. Of course, this is the visible face of the matter, essentially those people were being manipulated to serve the interests of the US/Cia.
  6. Baryshx

    Casual Discussion Anime and Manga

    It's going very well, I'm on Chapter 6. I remember watching animes similar to this, but this anime is deeper, better narration, and more beautiful anime style...
  7. Baryshx

    TR Happy Republic Day to Türkiye!

    Nice 100. Yıllara İnşallah. Allah, Mustafa Memal Atatürk'e, şehitlerimize ve gazilerimize rahmet eylesin ve mekanları cennet olsun İnşallah. Mustafa Kemal Atatürk'ün 100. Yıl ile ilgili konuşması;
  8. Baryshx

    TR Casual Discussion Çay Bahçesi

    Herkes sevinçle kutluyor. 3-5 kişi kutlamıyor diye tüm ülkeyi öyle sanıyor millet. Çoğunluk ülkesine, Cumhuriyetine ve Atatürk'e sahip çıkıyor.
  9. Baryshx

    TR TF-X KAAN Fighter Jet

    Türkiye is a country that can afford 20 billion dollars even for a shitty dam, relax. Of course, the real cost of that dam was 700 million dollars, but that is a matter of law.
  10. Baryshx

    TR Foreign Policy & Geopolitics

    Secularism is not irreligion. It is not throwing away holy books. Secularism means to disable those who want to oppress and use force in the name of religion.
  11. Baryshx

    TR TF-X KAAN Fighter Jet

    Good thing you're not involved in the Kaan project 😅
  12. Baryshx

    TR Foreign Policy & Geopolitics

    Sweden can use it. Israel, Europe, the US and the whole world. They can call the Pkk/Hdp/Ypg mujahideen and freedom fighters. We are facing a government that is a joke. They are sacrificing the entire population for their own trouble and ideology. As a Muslim, we need to get rid of all the...
  13. Baryshx

    TR Military Operations in Northern Iraq

    Iraq must be cleared of terrorists for the Development Road Project, which is supposed to connect the Persian Gulf to Europe via Türkiye.
  14. Baryshx

    TR Missile & Smart Munition Programs

    I don't think we will hear about any more big projects in our country, unless some countries around us misbehave...:sneaky: I wonder if we will have a good test on the 100th anniversary of our Republic. Like Cenk? Then I think, with this government, it won't happen on this date. :(
  15. Baryshx

    TR Defence Exports & Updates

    About his background
  16. Baryshx

    Live Conflict Israel-Palestine War|Regional Escalations

    You people are playing too many games, don't do it. Dissolve Hamas, a Jewish organization.:cautious: The world has changed. Education, books, access to news and communication are part of our lives. Someone should convey this to the US, Europe, Russia, UK, China and Israel..:p
  17. Baryshx

    TR Casual Discussion Çay Bahçesi

    Dahil olduğu darbe ile günümüz Türkiye'sine dolaylı ve doğrudan katkısı var. Ayrıca, kurucu meclisin yaptığı anayasayı kaldıran da bu darbecilerdi.
  18. Baryshx

    TR Defence Exports & Updates

    The police force is a ridiculous number, add to that the budget for the religious affairs (Diyanet)... The army and national education should have the highest budgets. Education includes universities and academic and scientific research.
  19. Baryshx

    TR Missile & Smart Munition Programs

    Roketsan Pakistan facilities are interested in that business :p

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