Actually, I mentioned earlier that it has a SWIR sensor. If I wrong remember, Aselflir R400D had been with 15 micron 1024*768 MWIR sensor. On F5OOC will be MWIR 1280*1024 and 15 micron.
I didn't expect this, I quite wondered its spects. I hope, Ours gonna show to our in fair.. What difference or differences from F500C ? Algoritms? Sensor qualifity? Dimension? @TheInsider Are you have knowledge?
Togg on the German roads.
I was know normal ahtapot-s but in this sharing have 'HD'. İnteresting?
@TheInsider Maybe, there are good news from HD MCT sensor workings.
I swear, anymore Fatih start to transform the holy shit! Enough! We want to our secular republic come back, anymore! arabs and farsis must come back their hell!
Made in MicroTasarım Swır camera 1280*1024 15 micron pitch.
This not new images but I'm wondering, Aselsan for Aselflir F500C will done only 10 micron HD Swır sensor import from Far East companies?
Because Mwır sensors can produced seem to me here.
Bro, I don't know , you know Turkısh? But in this video man says 'we producing all critical subsystems.'(laser pointer, air cooler sensors, high definition thermal camera etc.) I should believe his or you? :)