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  1. K

    Live Conflict Ukraine-Russia War

    One thing I've noticed on daily reports about casualities from AFU is the lower rate than previous weeks. Could this mean they are saving resources? Source:
  2. K

    Live Conflict Ukraine-Russia War

    I'm sorry, but oil and gas prices are public! If you are suggesting there are different prices from sources, then tomorrow probably main sotck markets will crash! So please provide the source for your statements. What it can happen, is prices may be a bit different from graphs from average data...
  3. K

    Live Conflict Ukraine-Russia War

    Thanks for providing the sources. With your permission, let's put some clarity on those claims, as for your words it seems "west" is facing it's collapse anytime soon.... First, Credit Suisse crisis started in 2008 and it was falling with no end until today, just take a look to their historical...
  4. K

    Live Conflict Ukraine-Russia War

    Yesterday "something" hit hard a Hotel/Base in Melitopol: It is early reported that it wasn't US "HIMARS" missiles but Turk TRLG-230. Any other source? EDIT: It seems US GMRLS from HIMARS was the correct missile:
  5. K

    Live Conflict Ukraine-Russia War

    Can you please put the sources for your claims ? I have different reports about energy, inflation, quality of life, etc.
  6. K

    Live Conflict Ukraine-Russia War

    It seems there are a lot of countries sending generators and electric grid parts in industrial quantities to Ukraine.
  7. K

    Live Conflict Ukraine-Russia War

    "12000" tanks... but they need to send T-90S export version, not fully covered with ERA.
  8. K

    Live Conflict Ukraine-Russia War

    I suggest you to open a new topic in the proper section about it. Thanks.
  9. K

    Live Conflict Ukraine-Russia War

    I think we are a bit lost on this matter or thinking bad... I don't know who are you trying to convince at this point. I don't know if you understand that paragraph but it was signed by Lavrov, so at least he knows what's happening. They tried to take Kiev in 3 days for not triggering a war...
  10. K

    Live Conflict Ukraine-Russia War
  11. K

    Live Conflict Ukraine-Russia War

    I agree with this. Von der Leyen seemed to confuse "casualities" with KIA. Obviously we don't have a reliable number but, we can guess. Some data: "Safe" ratio 1:3. Can be true, although the ratio could be less taking in account last UKR offensives.
  12. K

    Live Conflict Ukraine-Russia War

    Main media in Spain is reporting that the security guy from the embassy was not badly hurt as he took measures before opening it outdoors after noticing something suspicious in the package. Also, there are reports of another one sent to Instalaza , the spanish company who made the grenade...
  13. K

    Live Conflict Ukraine-Russia War

    As I've said, I don't believe on what von der Leyen or Shoigu say. They use the numbers for their interests in the middle of the war. In this case for magnifying the drama ( its a disgrace, of course ) with the goal of prepare EU population for months of war and raise supplies to UKR, after...
  14. K

    Live Conflict Ukraine-Russia War

    Well someone said a good point weeks ago, and I think he was right. Let's say If a sovereign country gets invaded by a neighbor, the duty of its president is to defend it whatever it takes or costs, and the people will agree with that even if you don't like your PM or President. Words like...
  15. K

    Live Conflict Ukraine-Russia War

    I'm not going to convince anybody about something like this. Both sides publish their numbers... but there is no "consistency" when the "2nd largest military power" sent almost 200k troops into a country like Ukraine and they had to, "following their statemets", mobilize 300k civilians, recruit...
  16. K

    Live Conflict Ukraine-Russia War

    Daily carnage in Bakhmut: France sent a new guided missile launcher:
  17. K

    Live Conflict Ukraine-Russia War

    Well, I don't know the real purpose of your answer but: I see that is the only real info supporting your statement: And the most funny thing about it is, the article is speaking about Kherson front.... I'm questioning now, if RU was inflicting such amount of loses to UKR in that front...

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