it needs to be developed. yes, we respect the effort and support such projects, but we should not let people make fun of our intelligence. at first glance caught my attention a funny infrared camera on the tail .
$1 billion would be a cheap experience expense for a long-term and profitable investment.
the initial value of such platforms is around $200 million. their average price is 650 million dollars. source
ekşisözlük makes cheap peasant gossip. there is no equipment you can't get when you give money. there are hundreds of companies like this. it is political bribery for Turkey to transfer this job to exxon. the rest is excuse and manipulation
82 Sao Paulo :love::coffee:
I couldn't find the tb2 on the map. if this is a technical error of the maps, is this error only for tb2? does the tb2 have the technical capacity to reach brazil?
I dont think this project will come to life. I think that all synergy and energy will focus on unmanned aerial systems, marine vehicles, and electronic warfare systems.