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  1. Gundala

    Indonesia Indonesian Air Force, Tentara Nasional Indonesia-Angkatan Udara (TNI-AU)

    Boeing on Contract for 10 More Years of Singapore F-15 Services Support This DCS (Direct Commercial Sale) is the best form for support service contract. It make it easier to predict the budget needed, increased readiness, lower cost, etc. This should be standard to each Western platform assets...
  2. Gundala

    Indonesia Casual Discussion Warkop Indonesia

    There are more to it than whats on the surface, I wasnt aware of it until last election campaign. But I have confidence that our law enforcement have them labeled and map. But like Madokafc said there prolly not enough evidence to consider them as terror org or charge them with enough crimes...
  3. Gundala

    Indonesia Indonesian Economy News and Updates

    There was this talk to bridge the deadlock with IFX project by asking Korea to invest here. I highly suspect Hyundai was the one our Govt aim for a car industry with emphasis on electric car. Its prolly not just that but that is the most visible one in economic stand point that could benefit...
  4. Gundala

    Indonesia Casual Discussion Warkop Indonesia

    Eitss...ho oh....dulu yah, ga tau skrg. Itu mah lebih seru lagi ceritanya, kadang kayak di film :LOL: Tapi yg pasti skrg kalo liat rumah pager tinggi diatasnya pake kawat bunder rapet gue dah tahu deh itu kemungkinan besar punya si uncle.
  5. Gundala

    Indonesia Indonesian Air Force, Tentara Nasional Indonesia-Angkatan Udara (TNI-AU)

    They will need replacement to keep the production line alive and to modernize the fleet. They expected to field Rafale to 2040. Tho they prolly dont want to add more to the current fleet, thats why they welcome someone to buy the used one. Even with loan its hard for me to see how we can...
  6. Gundala

    Indonesia Indonesian Strategic Industries

    Humpuss? Was this project actually made a production before? I didnt remember any Semiconductor in Humpuss group run in around 2010ish.
  7. Gundala

    Indonesia Indonesian Air Force, Tentara Nasional Indonesia-Angkatan Udara (TNI-AU)

    There are some possible scenario if the deals go thru. They can "loan/lease" some of theirs to be stationed here as trainer platform as well as perhaps limited military operation. But until now I still dont see how we going to finance that 36 with all those other projects on the line, specially...
  8. Gundala

    Weaponry Spending Spree

    I do agree, but we also must consider the disadvantage of getting too close to China. That is they are not a reliable partner. They help and "stab" at the same time with their bully in a form that sometime we wont be able to see, only certain govt ranking official can see it. Im not saying US...
  9. Gundala

    Indonesia Casual Discussion Warkop Indonesia

    :LOL: beda bro, ini mirip wartawan. Sekarang dgn kecanggihan teknologi CCTV mungkin yg barisan depan ga terlalu diperlukan lagi. Tapi yg barisan "belakang" biasa tetep ada, apalagi kalo ada indikasi demo tsb berkaitan dengan jaringan yg dicurigai mengancam kepentingan nasional mrka.
  10. Gundala

    Indonesia Indonesian Air Force, Tentara Nasional Indonesia-Angkatan Udara (TNI-AU)

    US products has a big chance to be signed first imo. Their current administration seems to be eager to close the deal before the replacement comes in. Perhaps if we made our decission fast enough we can gain more in terms of the deal.
  11. Gundala

    Indonesia Casual Discussion Warkop Indonesia

    Sepertinya hanya security assesment aja buat keamanan orang2 mereka. Kalo intelegence operation mah ga pake plat diplomat dan ga akan di tempat terbuka pertaruhin bilateral relation. Tapi ya mungkin si orang itu salah dapet info jadi bikin dia over reacting, atau dia ngeliat ada ancaman khusus...
  12. Gundala

    Indonesia Indonesian Navy, Tentara Nasional Indonesia-Angkatan Laut (TNI-AL)

    What interest me where did that NZ Orion come from? I doubt she cam all the way from NZ, perhaps butterworth?
  13. Gundala

    Indonesia Indonesian Army,Tentara Nasional Indonesia-Angkatan Darat (TNI-AD)

    Yay Komodo rifle got certification? Noiceee, another private sector going to challange our SOE (y) Do they get it after the company ownership changed hand? 😁
  14. Gundala

    Indonesia Indonesian Air Force, Tentara Nasional Indonesia-Angkatan Udara (TNI-AU)

    Nope, I dont think its coming from sq 27. If my eyes serves me correctly, Front right badge is Wing Udara 8 Lanud Suryadarma Left side badge is skadron udara 45 (helicopter/rotary wing/VVIP) base at Halim Abit odd.....regardless, both operating helicopter so Im not sure what are they doing there
  15. Gundala

    Indonesia Indonesian Strategic Industries

    Yeah I do agree, it doesnt make sense. Perhaps it kinda remind me of Institut Teknologi Telkom and business of high education system was good, not sure about now tho so I assume the habit of our SOE to diversify way out of its core is about to happen again here. But I hope Im wrong and if its...
  16. Gundala

    Indonesia Indonesian Strategic Industries

    Umm...why does it sounds to me like they going to make education institute/sekolah/university?
  17. Gundala

    Indonesia Indonesian Strategic Industries

    Thats pretty good area, infrastructure and work system for local company standard. I would like to know as well. (y)
  18. Gundala

    Indonesia Casual Discussion Warkop Indonesia

    Iya, tadi mau Jumatan lewat situ. Tambah macet aja deh tuh pengkolan :LOL: Tapi kadang gue bingung sih lihat franchise US macam Pizza Hut, Taco Bell begitu nyampe sini kok keren banget ya design tempatnya. Kalo makan disana kan sekelas KFC/McD gitu, disini berkesan premium. Apa karena jadi...
  19. Gundala

    Indonesia Indonesian Navy, Tentara Nasional Indonesia-Angkatan Laut (TNI-AL)

    Now this is what Im talking about, diplomacy via Navy exercise with all the quad members but we conduct it seperatly among them. Specially its done just south of Natuna Island, tho I prefer it to be done in Norh Natuna sea/EEZ but again it might be too bold. Good diplomacy now give our Navy...
  20. Gundala

    Indonesia Indonesian Navy, Tentara Nasional Indonesia-Angkatan Laut (TNI-AL)

    MoD and users need to do better communicating. Imo this can create a confusion, like MoD said "user can only give spec tech only, Kemenhan will decide what to buy" but I dont see anything wrong in suggesting what user wants with all the reasons to be considered by kemenhan. It would be nice to...

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