Ampun Tuhan rasanya jadi dokter di Pegunungan Papua, nerima kasus kasus kerusuhan, konsulen bedah sama anestesi pada cuti, resusitasi cepet2, surat rujukan kepaksa menyusul, evakuasi udah lewat udara, kerja kayak roller coaster
Yes The Navy never specifies the details on what's wrong with Nagapasa Class only we know they are problematic but we never know what the problems are, that's why if there are indeed defects in the submarines even as claimed some are unrepairable, i want a full evaluation from both PT.PAL and...
Keep the submarine fleet for 2 Class only then we are manageable, though i'm not sure but more or less so but having 3 Class then we will know what a grave mistake our policy makers did backthen
I know not fully committed to a contract we signed in 2019 is a ethically wrong in business but are we seriously getting 2nd batch of Nagapasa Class ?
“Indonesia has [postponed...
I can imagine, must've been awkward for him to meet Biden, Macron, Olaf, etc better for him to avoid the event also his absence ease our burden as a host
We are going to adapt Babcock design and their advice which is 140m not PT PAL Frankenstein 143m so most likely we will follow this recipe with a slight add on weaponries depend on what suits us but still under Babcock recipe
Dulu closing pertama aku itu sama ya bisa dibilang no 1 nya bidang pertahanan, aku ga bisa cerita detail cuma dapetnya waktu tahun 2021 wah edan lah, mana ada sih orang umur 27 tahun dapet usaha sendiri kayak gitu ( gaji dokter juga harus berapa tahun biar dapet segitu )
Kalau selama ini sih amit2 ya yg aku kerjain ga pernah sampe kayak gitu cuma dulu rekan saya salah gerak pasca closing, dia dapat 800 apa waktu itu, nah dia dicari2 orang sampe pindah rumah 3 kali. Banyak sih kisah2 aneh di dunia kayak gini, orang2 yg kerjanya kayak saya ada tapi dalam dunia...
Banyak hal kayak gini ntah di level Pemda ( model model versi lain tapi prinsip nya gini juga ada ) atau di Pusat intinya anggaran bisa keluar buat golongan tertentu, udah gitu ga bisa aku rinci atau kasih contoh, riskan di aku