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  1. K

    Live Conflict Ukraine-Russia War

    We can just check latest polls in EU, it just gives around 20% of "support" to RU in some best cases, if you take latest polls from Baltics or Poland, I would be surprised if the support goes double digits. We can mention also, the gas storage is full in most countries in EU, with gas tankers...
  2. K

    Live Conflict Ukraine-Russia War

    Before quoting here official RU info about 1% of loses...., it is worth to mention that Marines from 155th brigade, entered Pavlivka and they were repelled by an UKR counterattack were 155th suffered important loses, leading to a formal complain against top RU politicians and military...
  3. K

    Live Conflict Ukraine-Russia War

    They recognize Turks can wipe out Russian Black Sea fleet, as always in an effort of dealing with their own propaganda: More from ukr:
  4. K

    Live Conflict Ukraine-Russia War
  5. K

    Live Conflict Ukraine-Russia War

    Really good additions. My doubts are about why the water-jet system will be ineffective once it is fully submerged, if the engine keeps running, then it could keep accelerating the water through the system and propelling the "weapon". According to H I Sutton, in this video, min 11:15, the...
  6. K

    Live Conflict Ukraine-Russia War

    Contact fuses is the key here, they should explain themselves how it works. I totally agree with this last point, you shoulnd't have them if your intention is to explode the charge underneath the ship. My guessing for a hypothetical updated version would be a predicted action based on it's...
  7. K

    Live Conflict Ukraine-Russia War

    Fair enough, I didn't see any evidence right now suggesting the USV acting as a torpedo. But It will be surprising to throw such device against a modern Frigate just with a conventional HE load... My impression is you'll need several of them, hitting key ship parts to make some important damage...
  8. K

    Live Conflict Ukraine-Russia War

    It seems Ru launched today another massive missile attack in retaliation for the attack on the black sea fleet. Would be nice to know how many missiles were launched against UKR today to see how much the recently delivered anti-air defenses made a difference.
  9. K

    Live Conflict Ukraine-Russia War

    I understand your concerns here... it is a hot topic. Just saying, I'm a fan of freedom of speech but I could understand German point of view looking at their own history behind. But let's stay on topic here and let Germans do german things, Ukranians do ukranian things and Russians do...
  10. K

    Live Conflict Ukraine-Russia War

    Really interesting topic, the USV will probably act as a torpedo, so it's not intended to pierce the hull of the ship but create a gas bubble, displacing a lot of water and creating some kind of vacuum into the water under the ship, which is even more destructive than a missile. Let's wait...
  11. K

    Live Conflict Ukraine-Russia War

    You migth check the official list of weapons sent to Ukraine from German government here: As you might know, Germany is very sensible with radical ideologies which can led to confilcts/wars, so they don't hesitate to...
  12. K

    Live Conflict Ukraine-Russia War

    Allegedly at Kherson region
  13. K

    Live Conflict Ukraine-Russia War

    I will be very happy of heading to a more multipolar world. Despite not having a drop of oil, being behind Turkey in science/technology research and begging for money to the rest of Europe because a harder flu than normal.... we are going to be on par in GDP with Russia next year.... I hope...
  14. K

    Live Conflict Ukraine-Russia War

    Despite the efforts of presenters to counter contrary opinions, even reaching nearly to insult some guest, for saying "I don't agree with bombing civilians", even most former fanatic guests are asking loud "If Putin was recently speaking about West is finished, multipolar world is now... Why do...
  15. K

    Live Conflict Ukraine-Russia War

    A new addition to the list. Update: It seems to be a fake
  16. K

    Live Conflict Ukraine-Russia War On twitter:
  17. K

    Live Conflict Ukraine-Russia War

    Big explosion in Urengoy:
  18. K

    Live Conflict Ukraine-Russia War

    Should be investigated, sure it will be. But... who's investigating this guy?

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