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  1. Stimpy75

    TR Defence Exports & Updates

    did i talk about Tofaş? just about Otokar and Otokar does import most of their parts from outside, just look at Cobra 1/2....look at the new Akrep tell me which is produced in house or from a Turkish company otokar busses are all equipped with deutz engines and transmission to you Tornadoss...
  2. Stimpy75

    TR Attack & Utility Helicopter Programs

    TRT belgesel Gökbey right now
  3. Stimpy75

    TR Defence Exports & Updates

    just look at the most expensive parts of any otokar product, military or civilian do your own research google amca or yandex aga will help you
  4. Stimpy75

    TR Defence Exports & Updates

    my biggest beef with this shit company is that they don't help Turkish subcontractor companies in any shape or form, just order everything from aboard and just do final assembly.....and they are doing this for 50-60 years and even hindering for example other otomotiv companies to be established...
  5. Stimpy75

    TR Defence Exports & Updates

    .....assembled in Türkiye and the rest assembled in Romania with all the parts ordered from aboard for the first 300 to be assembled in Türkiye and the rest of the parts ordered from aboard beeing sent to Romania to be assembled there so Mr chill.....what do you think for example big brand...
  6. Stimpy75

    TR Defence Exports & Updates

    did nobody wondered why all the other companies pulled out of the Romanian bid except otokar? before i start my rant, does anyvody have a knwoledge how high the local precentage of this order is? my guess very very low: like you know otokar just makes assemble jobs, that's it otomotive...
  7. Stimpy75

    TR Altay Main Battle Tank & Related Programs

    Was this shared before?
  8. Stimpy75

    TR Defence Exports & Updates

  9. Stimpy75

    TR Defence Exports & Updates

    Price list for the Chilean 8x8 acquisition program
  10. Stimpy75

    TR Land Vehicle Programs

    Oh look.... The percentage of made in Türkiye? 3-4 % is my guess and I am sure it's quite cheap (not!) And before the Otokar chill come wining, for export, quite good vehicle but for TSK, never ever.... Which imho is good thing
  11. Stimpy75

    TR Turkiye's F-35 Project and Discussions

    Sry for the off topic, couldn't find the F-35 thread, here my friend tells about his problem with the tail hook design of the F-35
  12. Stimpy75

    TR Land Vehicle Programs
  13. Stimpy75

    TR Land Vehicle Programs

    Black Goat? assembling with parts from all over the world except from home and then beeing labeled as such ? Good! If you could plz tell me how % of the Tulpar is from Türkiye, then i will apologize ofc
  14. Stimpy75

    TR Land Vehicle Programs

    Wiedzmin found them some days ago....but rather old is my guess
  15. Stimpy75

    TR Land Vehicle Programs

    Big thx to guess is for Oman
  16. Stimpy75

    TR Indigenously Made Firearms & Medium Calibre Weapons Maxim Popenkers book on the AK is free to download here
  17. Stimpy75

    TR Defence Exports & Updates

    Arrived in Nigeria

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