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  1. Chakib.Y

    TR Foreign Policy & Geopolitics

    TAI pesented its products to algeria from kaan to anka-3 in an industrial production fair confirmation of joint local manufacturing of anka-S in algeria seems like slowly but surely a partnership in the spirit of old time and joint history is coming together between algeria and turkey
  2. Chakib.Y

    Breaking News New Caledonia Unrest

    they're still there but are a minority of the population, and from my understanding they're siding with the natives
  3. Chakib.Y

    TR Defence Exports & Updates

    well it is, and the only reason they "don't get along well" is the regimes themselves not being islamic, and their "interests" don't even align with the national and people's will or interest. with syria and iran its a whole other deal, but in spirit, the syrian condition is that of a tyranny...
  4. Chakib.Y

    TR Air-Force TF-X KAAN Fighter Jet

    mashallah congratulations to turkey i hope my country would order some of those, at the very least the funds wouldn't go to spilling the blood of muslims for whatever little they have in their lands...
  5. Chakib.Y

    Live Conflict Israel-Palestine War|Regional Escalations

    1- objective morality that concerns entire groups does exist, reducing morality to the individual is first a cope to concede to relativism on the level of policy making, second it would lead to some pretty insane takes: colonialism isn't morally bad, holocaust and mass murder isn't morally bad...
  6. Chakib.Y

    Live Conflict Israel-Palestine War|Regional Escalations

    no one is stopping you nor the world from moving on, the palestinians aren't alone and morality isn't determined post hoc, in algeria we managed to liberate our selves at the cost of our blood, and the cost of our neighbours and the cost of egyptian blood (the tripartate assault, france...
  7. Chakib.Y

    Live Conflict Israel-Palestine War|Regional Escalations

    to the last arab and muslim if necessary, if we went by the logic of concessions due to loss no one would've fought against colonialism, we shouldn't long for war but when its forced on us we shouldn't look away from it. the palestinians conceded in oslo, what did that get them ? nothing, just...
  8. Chakib.Y

    Live Conflict Israel-Palestine War|Regional Escalations

    the thing about madkhalism is, it doesn't pander to your tyrant, it panders to the tyrant which the saudis like they attacked the GNA, Erdogan, the emir of qatar and Hamas despite being muslim rulers, and went ahead and fought against them based on the view of the saudis keep in mind this sect...
  9. Chakib.Y

    Live Conflict Israel-Palestine War|Regional Escalations

    freedom has a blood tax, that said the argument of the jews is hilarious, if the land belongs to who once conquered it back in history then better start ceding land to italians on the coasts of the Mediterranean because rome once conquered them, its a chimp brain logic that only clicks inside a...
  10. Chakib.Y

    Live Conflict Israel-Palestine War|Regional Escalations

    we must look at the big picture, as things stand right now a palestinian state is simply impossible, the way things were, israel was making money out of the blockade through aid funds that gets spent on their goods and services, probably at hiked prices, it kept the violence contained in gaza...
  11. Chakib.Y

    Live Conflict Israel-Palestine War|Regional Escalations

    a guerilla group doesnt fight for land, it fights for infliction of financial and moral loss, if they switch doctrine and start fighting to gain land they'll immediately get wiped out, its heart wrenching seeing the zionists there but its the nature of the war...
  12. Chakib.Y

    Live Conflict Israel-Palestine War|Regional Escalations

    we had more than that and we got rid of them in 1962 guess how we did it ? we won the independence war, and they happened to be french citizens, traitors of their hosts who brought them europe during the prosecution, they thrived and got filthy rich living among us, and the payment was siding...
  13. Chakib.Y

    Live Conflict Israel-Palestine War|Regional Escalations

    we compare based on the sizes of the local economies and in relation to the local conditions and situation, not in comparison to the largest/biggest out there
  14. Chakib.Y

    Live Conflict Israel-Palestine War|Regional Escalations

    the UAE in particular decimated the poor yemenis and partook in the siege on qatar yet they're best buddies with the iranians with trade value around the 7 billion figure yearly, the iranians occupy two of their islands. imo the degree of corruption if not straight up evil might vary among the...
  15. Chakib.Y

    Live Conflict Israel-Palestine War|Regional Escalations

    even "republics" aren't that better either, the absolute majority of the governments are "elites" that have nothing to do with the people's general ideals and principles, completely disconnected from them and view the west (modern or from few years ago depending on their age and degree of...
  16. Chakib.Y

    Live Conflict Israel-Palestine War|Regional Escalations

    one thing i see coming is an iranian nuclear bomb justified with israel's confirmation of possession since the zionist minister declared it (they followed a doctrine of ambiguity before so)
  17. Chakib.Y

    Live Conflict Israel-Palestine War|Regional Escalations

    the decent ones are all jailed, and almost all that's left are filth
  18. Chakib.Y

    TR Turkish History|Debate & Discussion

    1-PLO alliance is problematic but the at the time turkish strong relations with the israelis at the time wasn't an issue ? you think the israelis were distributing flowers to palestinians ? sure two wrongs don't make right but if you don't feel a strong stench of hypocrisy and double standards...
  19. Chakib.Y

    TR Turkish History|Debate & Discussion

    how many arabs remained loyal and fought and died for the ottoman empire before and during the rebellion ? this self victimizing reductive reasoning isn't really a position any person with a shroud of objectivity should adopt, let alone blaming the child for the crimes of the forefather (not...
  20. Chakib.Y

    Azerbaijan Armenia Tensions

    they're simply afraid they'd get subjected to what they subjected others to. historically religion was used as a vessel for values and a rallying cry for the local population with minimal intellectual or political exercise. to completely negate religion when it always been at the core of...

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