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  1. Chipotle

    India NASA Chief in India

    NASA Chief in India: Big Fillip to India-US Space Agenda The head of the U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), Bill Nelson, visited India last week. His trip appears to have gone very...
  2. Chipotle

    India India - US Relations

    But the cons outweigh the pros. Our relations with the USA are very important. India needs to patiently wait and concentrate on economic development. We should not be distracted by a few individuals who cannot really cause any damage to India.
  3. Chipotle

    India India - US Relations

    If the USA's allegations are true, it is very bad for India. It damages our reputation and crucial relations. Why does India need to target anti-nationals living abroad? It's not as if the Khalistan movement is very active in India.

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