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  1. Underway

    Canada Navy Canada Surface Combatant (CSC) Program

    Here's basically the details...
  2. Underway

    Canada Navy Canada SSK program
  3. Underway

    Canada Navy Canada Surface Combatant (CSC) Program

    It's not that its not required for the SPY 7, its that its not required for the missiles to engage their targets. The Sea Sparrow evolution is similar to the Air to Air Sparrow. The old Sea Sparrow needed a FC Xband to guide it to the target. The new ESSM 2 is more like an AMRAAM (the current...
  4. Underway

    Canada Navy Canada Surface Combatant (CSC) Program

    Wanted to add some thoughts on why the MDA Xband radar isn't on the new ship as there was discussion earlier on this. I think folks need to look at the reason an Xband FC radar is normally fitted on ships. Its for fire control of semi active Surface to Air missiles and ships main gun systems...

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