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    Azerbaijan Azerbaijan Defence Forum

    thats interesting, looks like Damen OPV 1900
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    Azerbaijan Azerbaijan Defence Forum

    Air Force receives first C-27J Spartan NG
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    Live Conflict Ukraine-Russia War

    How is the design not optimal? highly automated, and can even fire on the move. Can fire 3 shells and get out in less than a minute.
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    Live Conflict Ukraine-Russia War

    is this on top of the previous order of 18? or is 54 the total number currently on order
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    Azerbaijan Armenia Tensions

    Armenia is less than 100kms across, they can get whatever they want, we can just launch basic loitering munitions and hunt it down, there is quite literally no place to hide for even the most basic loitering munitions, and Azerbaijan has been buying thousands of loitering munitions.
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    Azerbaijan Armenia Tensions

    When I say basic, I mean its still a modern artillery system just mounted on the back of the truck however it still requires a large crew, much longer time to set up and fire and leave firing position. Nora and Dita require minimal crew, the crew doesn't even have to leave the armored cabin...
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    Azerbaijan Armenia Tensions

    should of said one of, but Azerbaijani will still be biggest user when it comes to automated wheeled SPHs category, such as Archer, Dita, NORA B-52 NG and etc. Dita for example only requires a crew of 2, and all the systems can deploy, fire 3 shells with simultaneous impact and leave the zone...
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    Azerbaijan Armenia Tensions

    This is on top of existing 36 Dana M1s already in service, so we will have 156 wheeled SPHs, making Azerbaijan biggest user of wheeled SPHs in the world Such systems are pretty important due to their mobility to combat the threat of drones
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    Breaking News Helicopter carrying Iranian President has reportedly crashed

    Baykar getting some popularity again, Akinci is being tracked by 63000 people on flightradar.
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    Breaking News New Caledonia Unrest

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    Azerbaijan Azerbaijan Defence Forum

    Older news, but wasn't posted here before. Azerbaijan has decided to purchase additional Israeli-made Barak MX air defence systems from Israel in a USD 1.2 billion deal.
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    Azerbaijan Azerbaijan Defence Forum

    Army Special Forces
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    Azerbaijan Azerbaijan Defence Forum

    Elbit Systems signs USD 150 million deal for PULS rocket artillery system for Azerbaijan
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    TR Altay Main Battle Tank & Related Programs

    what next gen tanks? US and rest of NATO don't even produce new tanks from scratch and just continuously upgrading their current fleet , Altay is still very much equivalent to the new M1A2 Abrams SEP V4, Leopard 2A8, and Challenger 3. The only major development in next gen tanks might come...
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    India India Deploys Three Warships To South China Sea

    Which is true, which is why US is focusing on long range area denial systems and rapid deployment within the first island chain, so the carrier battlegroups don't have to enter the confined space of SCS, the battlegroups will be operating far away from China's coast to provide area cover for the...
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    India India Deploys Three Warships To South China Sea

    US wouldn't need to deploy those systems on the small islands, they can deploy them on the upper part of the main Philippine islands which are not small, and cover most of SCS how is that an equivalent comparison? The island chain US is deployed in effectively encircles the Chinese fleet...
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    India India Deploys Three Warships To South China Sea

    how are they fixed? All those area denial systems have high mobility, HIMARS, Naval Strike Missile, land based Tomahawk launchers, air launched LRASM and etc. US can cover half of SCS just with NSM, and even hit naval bases in China with PrSM and Tomahawks from Philippines. Like I said...
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    India India Deploys Three Warships To South China Sea

    Highly unlikely, China is just isolating itself further by creating more enemies in SCS, just few years ago, US didn't even have a base in Philippines, now they are even further expanding their influence, and are deploying long range area denial systems such as HIMARS, anti-ship missiles and...
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    TR Altay Main Battle Tank & Related Programs

    huh? have you seen other tanks with APS and RCWS? Altay turret looks much better when compared to Abrams and Leopard with Trophy radars heavily sticking out of the turret.
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    Azerbaijan Azerbaijan Defence Forum

    C-27J Spartan NG for Azerbaijan Air Force, total of 2 are on order

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