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  1. greyhawke

    Biological determinism

    Basically, the analogy of MMA has been used to compare and disparage China's military prowess in regards to the novel military doctrine we have developed. That China's UFC champions are vastly outnumbered by Black, Hispanic, and White champions in America (and elsewhere) is a result of...
  2. greyhawke

    Biological determinism

    China's numerically superior army can be obliterated by the destroyer angels mentioned in Isaiah 37:36 and 2 Kings 19:35. Those angels can be called upon by humans and deployed against the PLA in order to destroy China's nuclear weapons, destroy all military equipment, and to kill all the enemy...
  3. greyhawke

    Biological determinism

    The Session was attended by a mere 200 out of the original 650 members of Congress because more than 50 percent of America's politicians had recently died, according to my sources in April 2021. However, they didn't die of Covid-19, but they were killed by the baneful magic and paranormal...
  4. greyhawke

    Biological determinism

    Nonetheless, it is not to say that America couldn't lead an international coalition army to invade China by using India as a front base to attack them. The combined military might of America and NATO is still superior to the Chinese military, and there is no reason to suggest that China...
  5. greyhawke

    Biological determinism

    It's debatable whether or not you could get them out of Tibet, but certainly, they should be recruited into our "special intelligence unit and military regiment" to assist Britain in the coming war between China and the American-led coalition. Due to their hatred of the Chinese regime, they...
  6. greyhawke

    Biological determinism

    Sorry, but I think you have missed the point. Have you actually seen the Joint Session of Congress 2021 inside the link, and allowed me to argue my case?
  7. greyhawke

    Biological determinism

    The CCP have falsely claimed that they have no desire to invest their resources into recruiting the best talent, but the government's lack of interest is due to the general lack of talent within the genetic pool. Basically, they are not prepared to move out of their comfort zone due to the...
  8. greyhawke

    Biological determinism

    Okay, such a difference in terms of their physical and mental attributes is "biologically determined", but the CCP have tended to downplay the significance of biology, whilst preferring to emphasise the importance of environmental factors. However, I believe that biology is the primary root...
  9. greyhawke

    Biological determinism

    China's conventional military prowess is more or less equivalent to any Western nation, excepting the US which is still the most powerful military nation on earth. However, this OP is not concerned about conventional warfare at all, nor even about nuclear weapons, but China is still vastly...
  10. greyhawke

    Biological determinism

    Look at the Joint Session of Congress 2021, and it's self explanatory. That the Chinese cannot compete at the highest levels in MMA is simply meant to illustrate a different point concerning China's military prowess, which I believe to be inferior to Russia, America and NATO.
  11. greyhawke

    Biological determinism

    Precisely. For exactly the same reasons that MMA had always been dominated by black and white people, but Chinese have never competed at the highest levels in UFC. Biological determinism is the underlying root cause, but it's no use arguing that a particular country has never produced any...
  12. greyhawke

    Biological determinism

    This argument is based "cultural differences", but the OP is concerned about "biological differences and determinism", which is not the same thing. Comparing apples and oranges doesn't do any justice at all because they are clearly different. You might as well post a different article, which...
  13. greyhawke

    Biological determinism

    Historically, there has never been a UFC Champion who is from China. Why?
  14. greyhawke

    Army Comfort zone

    Obviously, I disagree with your viewpoint, which is based on the assumption that no Western coalition could ever overcome China's nuclear capability in order to invade their country. Whether your answer is right or not actually depends on the source, but how do you know that my own sources are...
  15. greyhawke

    Army Comfort zone

    It depends on what you mean by "different". Actually, I've been trying to gauge China's resolve to defend itself from foreign invasion by adapting to the most novel (military) tactics and technology in Western civilisation. As of now, I am doubtful of the CCP's willingness to make the...
  16. greyhawke

    Army Comfort zone

    Would you leave your comfort zone to prevent all out foreign invasion of your country?

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