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  1. N

    Azerbaijan Armenia Tensions

    The amount of times I winced at the guy casually walking in the line of fire to get something from the truck. Like wtf bro
  2. N

    Azerbaijan Armenia Tensions

    Sorry but have to disagree with you mate. There is a twisted anti Turkish narrative played on by the west and the Armenians and using the victim card: 1- Armenians are the invaders and occupiers of these lands as per international law and as per UN resolutions calling for the withrdaw of the...
  3. N

    Azerbaijan Armenia Tensions

    These guys have nothing else but to shout genocide because they cannot take the beating. But sadly it seems they have bent the narrative and the west is eating it up, you cant turn one corner on reddit or twitter without seeing these people accusing genocide and playing victim even though they...
  4. N

    Casual Discussion Introduction

    Thank you bro
  5. N

    Azerbaijan Armenia Tensions

    I mean by all means there is nothing wrong in using mercs and proxy forces But it would have been better if the Turkey confiscated and prohibited all camera and internet phones and maybe issued them with burners only. To stop videos like these from leaking which can be used by the likes of...

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