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  1. B

    Live Conflict Ukraine-Russia War

    Frankly was expecting more support from China for Russia . Talks are a ruse , Similar statements by Biden as well. so Russian goal is occupation of eastern Ukraine ?
  2. B

    India India - Pakistan Relations

    sub was damaged , had to go under repairs. but yea rest of everything in thehindu article is probably wrong. i dont know much about nuclear subs , maybe coolant water for the reactor leaked . 🤷‍♂️
  3. B

    India India - Pakistan Relations

    India media is horrendous. They probably took the actual report from a source and added the 'hatch left open' themselves. The sub was damaged , *maybe* there was some sort of breach , but not because someone left a hatch open .
  4. B

    Live Conflict Ukraine-Russia War

    looks like Russians giving Poland a message ? Poland will propose a NATO peacekeeping mission for Ukraine this week

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