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  1. emrachi

    Live Conflict Turkish Operations in Northern Iraq

    i really feel sorry for you if you suffer from a mental illness or something. i never claimed that the electronic attack was done by drones check again. The correct way to say that would be methinks it means it seems to me. Insulting the beloved prophet on the holy month of Ramadan shows what...
  2. emrachi

    Live Conflict Ukraine-Russia War

    Nah i prefer the Ruski nurses
  3. emrachi

    Live Conflict Military Operations Syria

    There needs to be a regime change and the country needs to be rebuilded otherwise no one will return you're right.
  4. emrachi

    Live Conflict Military Operations Syria

    We crush and wipe out all fractions involved why would pkk be exempted. I don't mean only Damascus but until Damascus to bring down that regime. Btw pkk is a bunch of ragtag armed gang, Turkey will not limit his foreign policy to a bunch of retards on the mountians.
  5. emrachi

    TR Altay Main Battle Tank & Related Programs

    It would be better if the tank can be optimized in such a way that 2 crew members are enought to operate it. With hard/soft kill systems to defend it against atgm.
  6. emrachi

    Live Conflict Turkish Operations in Northern Iraq

    FM Çavuşoğlu's reaction to armenian protestors. Çavuşoğlu knows how to deal with these armo's he really rocks 😁
  7. emrachi

    Live Conflict Military Operations Syria

    The target should be Damascus
  8. emrachi

    TR Army Roketsan Karaok to enter Turkish army inventory this year

    If commando brigades were equipped with these weapons during the hendek savaşı it would be so effective and easy to take out insurgents hiding inside buildings.
  9. emrachi

    Live Conflict Ukraine-Russia War

    The calibre of the weapon is probably too small for the modern day warfare.
  10. emrachi

    TR Army Roketsan Karaok to enter Turkish army inventory this year

    I think it is about the range if you use it for long range 2500m on open terrain the Javelin or Karaok will be better and for close range in residential areas i would prefer something like Matador.
  11. emrachi

    Live Conflict Ukraine-Russia War

    Macron:”if we stop talking to Putin, the role of mediator will be taken by either Erdoğan or Xi.”
  12. emrachi

    Live Conflict Ukraine-Russia War

    Turkey closed it’s airspace for Russian airforce and civilian planes enroute to Syria.
  13. emrachi

    Live Conflict Turkish Operations in Northern Iraq

    Prof Dr Necmettin Erbakan even contributed his efforts with the Bayraktar. He was a friend of Özdemir Bayraktar the father of the Bayraktars.
  14. emrachi

    Live Conflict Turkish Operations in Northern Iraq

    EW attack on French ship is true it really happenend even the French navy officers confirmed it. Me thinks you can’t handle the fact that he mentioned and gave credit to Prof Dr Erbakan cause of your outdated pathetic ideology.
  15. emrachi

    Live Conflict Ukraine-Russia War

    Machine gun from the WW1 era 😂😂
  16. emrachi

    Live Conflict Turkish Operations in Northern Iraq

    Are these mentioned mercenaries or special forces from our allies what do you guys think? who needs enemies when you have..
  17. emrachi

    TR Army Roketsan Karaok to enter Turkish army inventory this year

    seems like a great weapon this area the equalivent of (Javelin) will be covered however Turkish army still lacks a more compact simple to use by single soldier weapon like Matador. look how easy to move and shoot with it. It’s so excellent. or the Panzerfaust 3 is also good example.

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