Also Xenon54, a lot of good lads disappeared.Anbody know what happened to Cabatli and Sinan?
Also Xenon54, a lot of good lads disappeared.Anbody know what happened to Cabatli and Sinan?
Sinan ragequitted because heated politic discussions we had during presidental election. For others i dont know probably bored or busy with IRL problems.Anbody know what happened to Cabatli and Sinan?
@Cabatli_TR @Test7 both still there but not active, Sinan and Xenon left because the forum turned into a AKP mouthpiece in their eyes.
@Bogeyman is gone because the forum turned into a anti AKP forum in his eyes.
In my eyes,if you cant/dont see you're blind and have no place here.
I agree. The Zafer Party was already above 10% at polls.This is a good development hopefully it will further boost the popularity of him and his party. AKP is losing control because polls are not good for them. AKP lost another 4 points due to the renewed peace process. Ekrem İmamoğlu might also be taken into custody.
They must kill all stray dogs.![]()
Sahipsiz köpek sürüsünün katlettiği Eslem'in acılı babası konuştu: Son noktadayız artık | VİDEO İZLE
Hakkari'nin Yüksekova ilçesinde, sürü halinde gezen sahipsiz sokak köpeklerinin saldırısında ölen 12 yaşındaki Eslem Teker’in babası Ersin Teker (34), taziye evinde konuştu. Bir zincir markette kasiyer olan acılı baba, "maalesef kızım ihmal sonucu vefat etti. Bundan sonra da kimsenin canı
In Türkiye, children are still being torn to pieces by stray dogs on their way to library or school. What a shame that the state is not able to prevent this! I am disgusted.
Sahipsiz köpek sürüsünün katlettiği Eslem'in acılı babası konuştu: Son noktadayız artık | VİDEO İZLE
Hakkari'nin Yüksekova ilçesinde, sürü halinde gezen sahipsiz sokak köpeklerinin saldırısında ölen 12 yaşındaki Eslem Teker’in babası Ersin Teker (34), taziye evinde konuştu. Bir zincir markette kasiyer olan acılı baba, "maalesef kızım ihmal sonucu vefat etti. Bundan sonra da kimsenin canı
In Türkiye, children are still being torn to pieces by stray dogs on their way to library or school. What a shame that the state is not able to prevent this! I am disgusted.
Like the British Empire,it biggest in Map during 1921 but its highest point in 1860.Good map but Ottoman holdings in Africa were greatly exaggerated. 16th century was the high point in Turkish history.
Some things are a bit controversial, I can't say that I all agree with the things added with paint on the map. But the whole picture gives an idea of the political landscape of the 17th century. It was one of the peaks of Turkic/Islamic history, but also a century of great opportunities missed, as the picture started to reverse rapidly in the following century.
View attachment 73163
"A tree cult was also maintained. Whatever was struck by lightning, man or object was considered a sacrifice to the high god of heaven. The afterlife, to judge from excavations of aristocratic tumuli, as much a continuation of life on earth, warriors being interred with their weapons, horses, and sometimes with human sacrifices: the funeral of one Tudrun in 711-12 saw 300 soldiers killed to accompany him to the otherworld."@Tonyukuk Is there a practice of human sacrifice in Tengriism?
Generally no, though due to a lack of a book, some communities may have gone down that path.@Tonyukuk Is there a practice of human sacrifice in Tengriism?