
2С23 — Википедия
Mass production
Serial production of ACS 2S23 was deployed in 1990 (that is, before the official adoption) at the "Motovilikha factories" and continues to this day. In the first year of serial production, 30 units of 2S23 were manufactured [5]. As of 2012, the cost of the Nona-SVK self-propelled artillery unit for the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation was 17 million rubles [6] (about 570 thousand US dollars at the then exchange rate). CAO 2S23 is also actively offered for export. As of the beginning of the 2000s, the cost of one ACS 2S23 for a foreign customer was about 810 thousand dollars [7].
The main armament of the SAO 2S23 is the 2A60 120-mm rifled howitzer-mortar gun, which is a modified version of the 2A51 gun installed in the 2S9 Nona-S self-propelled artillery mount. The 2A60 barrel consists of a pipe and a breech. The pipe length is 24.2 calibers. On the inside of the barrel, 40 constant-slope grooves are made. The bolt of a copy-type gun with a plastic obturator, combining the functions of a rammer. After sending the projectile into the bore, the obturator is locked with a vertical wedge installed in the breech of the gun, thereby excluding the breakthrough of powder gases when fired into the fighting compartment of the SAO. To remove powder gases, prevent smoke from the fighting compartment and remove unburned powder charge residues, compressed air is fed into the barrel bore. The recoil devices consist of a hydraulic recoil brake and a pneumatic knurler [4] [8].
Additionally, the 2S23 self-propelled gun is equipped with a 7.62 mm PKT machine gun. The machine gun is mounted on the rotating turret of the ACS commander. For personal weapons of calculation, there are four mounts for AKS-74U assault rifles, as well as a mount for a signal pistol. To combat air targets, two 9K38 Igla-1 MANPADS are located in the 2S23 ACS body. The transportable ammunition load of additional weapons includes: 500 rounds for a machine gun, 15 F-1 hand grenades and 20 flares for a signal pistol [4].
Applicable ammunition
The ammunition load of the 2A60 gun is completely unified with the ammunition load of the 2B16 Nona-K towed gun and the 2S9 Nona-S tracked self-propelled gun. The main ammunition includes 3OF49 high-explosive fragmentation shells. The 3OF49 rounds have a steel body and are loaded with 4.9 kg of A-IX-2 explosive. When the contact fuse is installed on the fragmentation action during the rupture, the 3OF49 projectile forms about 3500 lethal fragments weighing from 0.5 to 15 g, having an initial velocity of about 1800 m / s. The reduced area of destruction of openly located manpower in the "standing" position is 2200 m2, the armor penetration of homogeneous steel armor is 12 mm at a distance of 7 to 10 m from the epicenter of the projectile burst. When using the AR-5 radio fuse, the effectiveness of the destruction of openly located manpower increases from 2 to 3 times. When a contact fuse is installed on a high-explosive action, the 3OF49 projectile is capable of forming craters up to 2 m deep and up to 5 m in diameter. For firing at distances up to 12.8 km, the SAO 2S23 ammunition load includes 3OF50 active rockets. For the family of Nona-type guns, the Kitolov-2 adjustable projectiles have been developed, which have the ability to destroy armored vehicles in places of concentration of launchers, long-term defensive structures, bridges and crossings with a probability of 80 to 90%. To combat enemy armored vehicles, the ammunition load includes cumulative non-rotating projectiles 3BK19, penetrating up to 600 mm of homogeneous armor steel. In addition to standard shells, SAO 2S23 can use all types of mines for smooth-bore and rifled mortars, including lighting, smoke and incendiary mines. When using the APCM active-rocket projectile for the French RT-61 rifled mortar, the SAO 2S23 firing range can be increased to 17 km [4] [5] [9].