China has border disputes with 17 countries


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Hey, we dont have a dispute anymore although China was doing the same with us as it did with India however the most interesting thing is that China is not alone in this. There is something in Asia where states, despite being extremely large and resourceful, are unhappy within their boundaries and feel expansion holds importance. Perhaps the history of Asia and the history of large scale empires native to Asia play an important role in the psyche of Asian nations especially the fact that expansions often helped the economy and stability of the empire (although large scale expansions did the exact opposite but most monarchs saw expansion as a legit way of foreign and economic policy). Nevertheless it seems that most Asian countries have legal disputes with their neighbors and informal political disputes with their neighbors. Recognizes the neighbor but has legal boundary disputes while politically claiming the entire neighbor as the end result of the country.

As for Caspain report, he is correct. China has disputes with these nations both political and legal on the limits of the boundary and the report seemed neutral basing on the claims that China itself has made or one of its official has.


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There is something in Asia where states, despite being extremely large and resourceful, are unhappy within their boundaries and feel expansion holds importance.

I disagree and strongly. There is nothing special about this in Asia.

It is just correlated to the specific persistence, entrenchment or sudden intensity of authoritarianism and totalitarianism in a political setup....factors with seeds found worldwide wherever humans exist.

The 6 extermination camps (the final solution of a certain expansionist paradigm) of the 20th century were in Europe, not an example.

Thus PRC (specifically the CCP) being the worst degenerate version of this by far (esp accounting for its sheer scale) in the current affairs of the region, simply has shown and continues to show the same inevitable patterns (broadly hemmed in compared to the two mustache men... by a nuclear weapon world).

Most people, Pakistanis or otherwise, simply have not come across enough true CCP meatheads to know what they are like face to face. Seeing media news of some arrogant low level POS standing on a car isnt going to cut need to see a dozen (and actual govt officials) up close to get the sense of it, and how bad it would be in their higher echelons.

This is after all a country that enshrines a mass murderer (of its own people, at scales that put the 2 mustache men to shame) on its money and official state paraphernalia etc and even a mausoleum (complete with preserved zombie body like that swine is some deity) and portrait overlooking the square where his "philosophy" lead to brazen culling of peaceful protestors en masse and making "meat pie" out of them.

This mass murderer that calmly joked to a visiting (cold war era) Japanese leader that Nanking and invasion of China by Japan (which you will notice was the uber-authoritarianism set up at that time period) was the underlying reason he ultimately could come to power himself. I mean one that is that dismissive and callous of his own countries like that being honoured to this if it wasnt enough the same guy exported grain he forcibly took from them all the while knowing the citizenry were resorting to cannibalism and dieing in the 10's of millions....because to not do so would be a "loss of face". The severe psychological gaslighting from all of this is why the Chinese are such a defeated population with such wretches in absolute control over them.

This is all unlike the Soviets of his era who at least called out their previous mustache man after he was gone and "de-stalinized" (they dont celebrate+honour him precisely because of his evil excesses like any common sense would dictate).

I mean Russia faced its own onslaught from the mongols over time and its slow painful reclaim and rise after that...beset with its various authoritarianism itself along the way.....yet they arent of the same degenerate evil now as the CCP are they? What's in them that they learned from that the CCP didnt? Nothing to do with being Asian, semi Asian or European.

That's the basic reason there was a chasm of difference between USSR and PRC at the height of the cold war even. When Brezhnev got the accounts of the soviet Ussuri border patrols being returned in the state that they were (I'll spare you the details of the nature of tortures inflicted on them), there was a reason he cut right to the chase and explained to Mao in a cpl telegrams exactly what will happen to Beijing and every other Chinese city soon if he didnt remove the perpetrators from the area and quickly. Mao cowered and backed thats how you deal with evil in the end....unlike how UK and France did it in 1936 rhineland.

I mean there literally is no basic application of rule of law in this country. To this day you CANNOT go to one of its courts with a case of violation of a constitutional right. It is thrown out right away, it is in fact illegal. Ask yourself why that is.

The one attempt at bringing constitutional rights to the actual application on the individual was very quickly demolished a decade ago and forcibly, the lawyers involved have all been labelled as traitors/troublemakers and are closely watched, imprisoned or worse.

It is inevitable such a setup will have several manufactured Sudetenland issues with all its neighbours (many simply because of occupation of areas that are simply not Chinese to begin with), if there aren't other axes to grind with in first place.

That is just the final inevitability of an evil degenerate government. Your country saw one with Yahya Khan too.....but when you are much bigger (and have nukes) there are fewer countries (neighbours or otherwise) available to give the hammer of justice to call it out quickly and nip it in the bud....generally its a waiting game hoping morality of the underlying population can action something.

Thus its all matter of delaying it given self-consuming nature of such setups over time, harnessing and emboldening only negativity over time and generating and sustaining very little positivity and enlightenment (given this erodes the setup) your cabal that continues also will inevitably learn.

Though it must be said even such bullies and degenerates get massive bloody noses and broken jaws from smaller the Viets did to them in 1979.

None of this has to do with "Asia", I could talk at similar length or more about such regimes in Africa, Europe you name it. It is just the scale and consequence right here now in the CCP.

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