During a TV program broadcast in China in mid-November, Zhang Hong, chief designer of the L15 trainer jet and general manager of Hongdu Aviation Industry Group, introduced the L-15 Falcon to his countrymen.
Zhang highlighted how countries around the world are paying more attention to the training of fighter pilots, as well as the development of next-generation trainer jets. In order to keep up with the times, they plan to install on future L-15 jets a virtual tactical training system (VTTS), based on Artificial Intelligence (AI), which could be useful to improve the pilot's skills in short, mid and long-range combat missions.
“With the development of AI technologies, we will be able to identify the different habits of each pilot during the flight. By managing them, we will allow pilots to grow more confidently and acquire more combat skills," he said.
The system can also be linked with simulators on the ground or other fighter jets, aiming to train the real tactical capabilities of future fighter jet pilots, Zhang said, highlighting that real and simulated training will be interconnected.
AI technologies could potentially be used to analyze pilot cadets' flying records and moves in real time, compare them with an optimal scenario and give feedback to the cadets.
The VTTS could act as a human instructor to train student pilots, it would be able to notice more detail in cadet movements and provide them with more scientific and concrete analysis to refer to. AI, along with human instructors, could help pilot cadets train much faster, according to an aviation expert.
The L-15 is a modern supersonic jet for advanced training or light attack, designed by HAIG to serve as the primary trainer for the Chinese Air Force. So far, the company has built about five aircraft capable of accommodating AI technology.
The trainer jet market is well crowded and the L-15 has excellent contenders such as the compatriot JL-9, the Italian M-346, the Russian YAK-130, the Korean T-50A and the American T-7A. New solutions such as AI can help the company make the aircraft more attractive in the national and international market.

Chinese L-15 advanced trainer jet to get Artificial Intelligence technology
Chinese L-15 advanced trainer jet to get Artificial Intelligence technology