Christian community celebrates Christmas today


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Christian community celebrates Christmas today​

LAHORE (Dunya News) - Christian community is celebrating Christmas across Pakistan like elsewhere in the world today. Special services will be held in Churches to celebrate the festival.

The Christian community has illuminated homes and churches while shopping for the occasion is underway at special Christmas Bazars. Almost all churches have been decorated with colorful lights and Christmas trees.
Prime Minister Imran Khan has wished the country’s Christian community a very “Happy Christmas”, advising them to observe the COVID-19 SOPs (Standard Operating Procedures) as well to stay safe.

“Wishing all our Christian citizens a very Happy Christmas. Please stay safe by observing COVID-19 SOPs,” the Prime Minster said Thursday in a tweet posted on his social media account.

Chief Minister Usman Buzdar

Punjab Chief Minister Sardar Usman Buzdar has extended felicitations to the Christian community on the Christmas Day.

In a message, he regretted that he could not attend the Christmas cake cutting ceremony because of self-isolation due to Covid-19.

“I fully share the joys and happiness of the Christian community as the festival of Christmas provides a unique opportunity to further strengthen the bonds of unity, love and affection.” The auspicious advent of Jesus Christ to this world is sacred and respectable for the Muslims, the CM added.

It is sanguine that all the religious minorities enjoy complete freedom, protection and equal rights to live according to their religion, he said and added that the Christians community has played an important role in national development. Meanwhile, the Punjab government chalked out a minority empowerment package for the welfare of the minorities and solid steps have been taken for the wellbeing of all the minorities, he said.

The minorities’ employment quota has been enhanced and being fully implemented, he said and added that the PTI government has ensured the protection of the rights of the minorities.

Quaid-i-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah also stressed for equal rights for all minorities and the need for interfaith harmony is needed than before in the backdrop of prevailing circumstances.

Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi

Foreign Minister Makhdoom Shah Mahmood Qureshi has congratulated the Christian community on the Christmas celebrations.
In a statement FM said that all minorities in Pakistan are enjoying equal rights.

Shah Mahmood Qureshi said that Pakistan was the only country all over the world where representation was given to minorities in its national flag. He said that provision of equal rights to minorities was part of our faith.

FM said that the constitution of Pakistan also safeguard the rights of minorities.

Foreign Minister said that Islam was a peaceful religion which taught people the lesson of respecting every individuals including the from minorities.

Expressing good wishes for the Christian community, he said that all Pakistanis would have to work together and harder for the progress and prosperity of the country and transforn it into a huge Islamic welfare state in accordance with the vision of founder of Pakistan Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah.

Merry christmas Everyone, especially to my Christian brethren and more especially to my Pakistani Chirstian brethren. who being Pakistani, will ignore all SOPs to celebrate this day. Stay safe guys :D

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