CPEC expanding into second phase despite global economic crisis, says Bajwa


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CPEC expanding into second phase despite global economic crisis, says Bajwa​

—-Chinese envoy says both countries motivated to expand CPEC cooperation

ISLAMABAD: China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) Authority Chairman Lt Gen (r) Asim Saleem Bajwa has said that the multi-billion dollar CPEC project has been moving ahead at a rapid pace despite the global economic slowdown resulted due to the coronavirus pandemic.
He was addressing the online award ceremony organised by the Chinese Embassy in Islamabad for outstanding Pakistani staff of CPEC projects. Chinese Ambassador to Pakistan Nong Rong attended the online award ceremony wherein 18 outstanding Pakistani staff from Gwadar Port, energy, infrastructure and other fields of the CPEC construction received awards for their outstanding performance.
“After successful completion of the first phase, CPEC is expanding into its second phase as per schedule despite a very serious setback of Covid-19 around the world, ensuring economic stability and well-being of the people of Pakistan,” said Bajwa.
“The biggest dividends people of Pakistan are going to witness due to CPEC in the coming days include the creation of a plethora of local jobs, the transformation of technology, particularly in newer areas of science and technology, industrialisation and agriculture,” he said.
Chinese Ambassador Nong Rong, keeping in view the successful completion of the first phase of CPEC, said that China and Pakistan are even more motivated to further expand CPEC and that the prospects of our all-around cooperation have been further widened.
“I would like to extend my warm congratulations and heartfelt gratitude to all those who have won the award for your excellent service,” he said.
The Chinese ambassador said that CPEC is an important pilot project of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) and a demonstration of China-Pakistan cooperation.
During the past 5 years, the CPEC has achieved great success and made tremendous contributions to the development of Pakistan and regional connectivity under the joint efforts of the governments and enterprises from both countries.
“Based on consensus of both governments, we further expand the CEPC cooperation from Gwadar Port, energy, infrastructure development and industrial cooperation to new areas of agriculture, science and technology, social economy and international cooperation,” he added.
Ambassador Rong said that due to Covid-19, they had to hold an online ceremony this year. He added that despite the adversity brought by the pandemic, CPEC has achieved a lot this year.
He also said that the transit trade for Afghan goods through Gwadar Port has been officially launched, helping the sustainable supply of daily necessities for people of Pakistan and Afghanistan during this testing period.
China and Pakistan further promoted industrial cooperation with the signing of the development agreement of the Rashakai Economic Zone. The project has also completed a number of environment-friendly socioeconomic projects such as the expansion work of Faqur School in Gwadar, China-Pakistan Friendship Forest, aid of disaster relief facilities, donation of cold-chain vaccine storage and transportation equipment in a timely manner.
The Chinese ambassador said, “It is fair to say that both sides have overcome the difficulties of the Covid-19 and made new headways of cooperation in a coordinated way. In this year, there is no stop of the construction, no job cut, no withdrawal of workforce of the CPEC projects.”


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