First Network Centric Warfare


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This is a really intresting read, i am a member who read in my spare time. Specially corona period reading books military literature. The last one was 'In het diepste geheim' or 'In the deepest secracy' Dutch book. This is a book about the Dutch submarine history and the Cold ware period, the spy/intelligence operation against the USSR. Ther will be several topic coming after this but this is the most interesting i have read in the book. The book is based on former Dutch Navy commanders interview, military magazine sheet, newspaper and a lot of books over the world. A little bit information from AIVD Dutch intelligence Agency.

In het diepste geheim

I am not going to tell how the Dutch Subs(Zwaardvis S806 and the Tijgerhaai S807) found the Russian(Echo class nuclear cruismissiles submarine) submarine for that you have to read the book, they have been chased by Zwaardvis with out any notice. Russian sub stops and go up the water surface to make connection with ther spy satellite Rorsat. What is Rorsat click. A satellite with nuclear powerpack, according to Dutch navy they they were exercising to hit a American AC USS John F Kennedy. At the time Dutch pursuit the American AC whas leaving Turkish port in Antalya for a NATO excercise. They were linking to find a targets and guide the P-500.

The Russian subs wher loaded with P-500 bazalt a supersonic cruisemissiles with active or passive radar homing, Dutch sub was gathering intelligenc when the Sub did make link with ther satellite. We are talking 50 years back, when Russian were ahead. So the first Network Centric Warfare operators was the Russians.

Imagine how Agean and the Mediterrean sea is now.

@Cabatli_53 @anmdt @Bogeyman @dBSPL

Zwaardvis and Tijgerhaai

Echo 2 class

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