HN Wanted So Badly but Money Talks for Armament


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France and Greece established a “strategic partnership” in defence where France would supply the air and naval platforms and armament. Greece believes that the acquisition of new frigates will shift the power balance to Greece in the Aegean Sea and East-Med. However, the Greek publication indicates that the Belharra-class frigates will lack what the Hellenic Navy (HN) wanted most.

Greece has a long-standing history of not acquiring the frigate and corvettes. It just overcame the account on 28th September 2021. Greece and the French Shipbuilder Naval Group agreed on the acquisition of three frigates. The deal must be signed before 28th December 2021. And the deposit of 1-1.2 billion euros must have been given to France. The Greek Parliament must rush to approve the 3.04 billion Euro contract that covers only the procurement of the frigates. The acquisition decision should be approved by the Parliamentary Committee, Audit and the Parliament.


Once the deal of the construction of frigates is over, the arming and outfitting of the ship will begin as the next phase. The budget for weaponry may cause problems. Greece's only alternative is to find a less expensive solution. According to the publication that reminds the Hellenic Navy that it received several discounts, the electronic warfare system remains unknown. The 76 m naval gun will lack the STRALES, and RAM (Rolling Airframe Missile) system complimentary of CIWS will not be included.


It is known that the electronic warfare system can be installed later. The Naval gun can be upgraded to STRALES, and the RAM missiles can be installed later. The delay shows that the Hellenic Navy will be waiting more than expected.


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