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We may get to see what David's Sling and Patriot PAC-2 can against Iranian cruise missiles. It will be interesting to see what the interception rate is like.Targets being intercepted in Jordan.
Reportedly ballistic missiles are fired.
Any idea where they were fired from? Just curious about the flight time, reference Israel's ability to intercept them with David's Sling and Patriot PAC-2...
As expected, they'll counter in places like Syria... Per the plan.
What confirms u wants ?!Can any Russian confirm this?
Any idea where they were fired from? Just curious about the flight time, reference Israel's ability to intercept them with David's Sling and Patriot PAC-2...
You're right, but I suspect THAAD would only be used in an emergency type situation. Very, very expensive.Could be Iranian soil or Iraq/Syria border. Not sure about the report though. Didn't see the official IRCG press release.
Edit- you are forgetting US THAAD battery. It will likely see action if BMs are involved.
I think yes!Lot faster. BMs?