Looking at cross-strait relations from the confrontation between the United States and China in Shangri-La


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In the struggle for military hegemony between the United States and China, coupled with many major differences, the United States continues to expand arms sales to Taiwan and joins forces with Japan, South Korea, the Philippines and other countries to strengthen military deployment around China. China has intensified its behavior in flexing its muscles in the Taiwan Strait and South China Sea, and Ignoring U.S. warnings and secretly aiding the Russian defense industry. However, all this did not prevent the defense ministers of the two countries, Austin and Dong Jun, from holding talks while attending the "Shangri-La Dialogue".
During the 75-minute meeting, the two defense ministers were tit-for-tat on the Taiwan Strait and South China Sea issues, with no overlap. However, the two sides promised to answer each other's calls at important moments and agreed to hold theater commander-level telephone conferences within a few months and this year. A "Crisis Communication Working Group" meeting will be held before the end of the year. Austin and Dong Jun both took tough stances, blaming each other for causing cross-strait tensions to rise, but they did not break out.
The speeches delivered by the two men in the forum were also full of confrontation. Austin said that over the past three years, the Asia-Pacific region has developed a common understanding of "partnership," resulting in "a stronger, more resilient, and more powerful partnership network." Simply put, the United States has successfully established a system to contain China. defense network.
Jing Jianfeng, deputy chief of staff of the Joint Staff Department of the Continental Army Committee who attended the meeting, responded that the U.S. Indo-Pacific strategy is to integrate small circles into a large circle of "Asia-Pacific version of NATO" to maintain the hegemony led by the United States. He accused the Indo-Pacific strategy of undermining stability, tying regional countries to the US chariot, and forcing other countries to choose sides.
Dong Jun delivered the sharpest speech ever delivered by a mainland defense minister at the "Shangri-La Dialogue", pointing his finger at the United States and saying that some major countries continue to hollow out the one-China principle, concoct Taiwan-related bills, insist on selling arms to Taiwan, and illegally carry out official The essence of the exchanges is to encourage Taiwan independence and seek to "use Taiwan to control China." These sinister intentions are leading Taiwan into danger. He also said that the Chinese People's Liberation Army has always defended the reunification of the motherland and will take timely, resolute and powerful actions to curb Taiwan's independence. "Whoever dares to split Taiwan from China will be shattered to pieces and destroy themselves."
The U.S.-China Defense Ministers' Meeting and the Shangri-La Dialogue did not resolve differences, but instead highlighted the growing rift. It will be difficult for U.S.-China relations to return to normal due to the Taiwan issue, but both sides still believe that the meeting is "positive, pragmatic, and constructive."
I think this may be a warning signal to the Taiwan government. The United States and China can resume military-to-military communication for each other's benefit. If the Taiwan government can follow the US-China communication model, it may be a good opportunity to improve cross-strait relations.

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