Montreux and Ataturk declaration from 103 retired Turkish admirals


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"To the Noble Turkish Nation,
Recently, the opening of Montreux Convention to discussion within the scope of the cancellation authority of both Kanal Istanbul and International Treaties is met with concern.
The Turkish Straits are one of the most important waterways in the world and have been governed by multinational treaties throughout history. The last of this treaty and the Montreux protect the rights of Turkey in the best way; Not only that governs the passage through the Turkish Straits, Turkey to Istanbul, Çanakkale, Marmara Sea and restoring full sovereignty over the Strait is a major diplomatic victory completed the Lausanne Peace Treaty. Montreux is the basic document of the security of the countries riparian with the Black Sea and it is the contract that makes the Black Sea a sea of peace. Montreux, Turkey in any war is a contract that prevents unintentional war on the side of one of the warring parties. Montreux, Turkey II. It enabled him to maintain his neutrality during the World War. For these and similar reasons, an important place in Turkey's survival of the Montreux Convention to be made the subject of debate / discourse coming to the table that could lead to all kinds of action and we think that should be avoided.
On the other hand; Some unacceptable images, news and discussions in the press and social media have been a source of deep sorrow for those of us who have devoted their lives to this profession. In recent years, TAF and especially our Naval Forces; It experienced a very deliberate attack by FETO and sacrificed its valuable staff to these treacherous conspiracies. The most important lesson to be learned from these calipers; It is a necessity for the TAF to diligently maintain the fundamental values of the constitution, which cannot be changed and cannot be proposed to be changed.
For these reasons, we condemn the efforts to show our TSK and the Naval Forces out of these values and away from the contemporary route that Atatürk had drawn, and we oppose with all our existence. Otherwise, the Republic of Turkey, which are instances in history, will be able to encounter the most dangerous events, risks and threats to life and survival for the depressed.
It is essential to train the personnel of the Naval Forces Command, who have a glorious past that emerges from the bosom of the Turkish Nation and who are the protectors of the Mother and Blue Homeland, in line with Atatürk's principles and revolutions. We stand by our long-lasting Turkish Sailors who work devotedly in every corner of our country at sea, on land, in the air, in the internal security zone and beyond the border, and work with heart and soul to protect our rights and interests in the Blue Homeland.
04 April 2021
We commemorate our Sea Martyrs and announce with respect. "

Original manifesto in Turkish.

"Yüce Türk Milletine,
Son zamanlarda gerek Kanal İstanbul, gerekse Uluslararası Antlaşmaların iptali yetkisi kapsamında Montrö Sözleşmesi’nin tartışmaya açılması endişe ile karşılanmaktadır.
Türk Boğazları, dünyanın en önemli suyollarından biri olup, tarih boyunca çok uluslu antlaşmalara göre yönetilmiştir. Bu antlaşmaların sonuncusu ve Türkiye’nin haklarını en iyi şekilde koruyan Montrö; sadece Türk Boğazlarından geçişi düzenleyen bir sözleşme değil, Türkiye’ye İstanbul, Çanakkale, Marmara Denizi ve Boğazlardaki tam egemenlik haklarını geri kazandıran, Lozan Barış Antlaşmasını tamamlayan büyük bir diplomasi zaferidir. Montrö, Karadeniz’e kıyıdaş ülkelerin güvenliğinin temel belgesi olup Karadeniz’i barış denizi yapan sözleşmedir. Montrö, Türkiye’nin herhangi bir savaşta, savaşan taraflardan birinin yanında istemeden savaşa girmesini önleyen bir sözleşmedir. Montrö, Türkiye’nin II. Dünya Savaşında tarafsızlığını korumasına imkân yaratmıştır. Bu ve benzeri nedenlerle, Türkiye’nin bekasında önemli bir yer tutan Montrö Sözleşmesinin tartışma konusu yapılmasına/masaya gelmesine neden olabilecek her türlü söylem ve eylemden kaçınılması gerektiği kanaatindeyiz.
Diğer taraftan; son günlerde basında ve sosyal medyada yer alan kabul edilemez nitelikteki bazı görüntüler, haber ve tartışmalar ömrünü bu mesleğe adamış bizler için çok derin bir üzüntü kaynağı olmuştur. TSK ve özellikle Deniz Kuvvetlerimiz son yıllarda; çok bilinçli bir FETÖ saldırısı yaşamış ve çok değerli kadrolarını bu hain kumpaslara kurban vermiştir. Bu kumpaslardan çıkarılacak en önemli ders; TSK’nin, anayasanın değişmez, değiştirilmesi teklif edilemez temel değerlerini titizlikle sürdürmesi zaruretidir.
Bu gerekçelerle, TSK ve Deniz Kuvvetlerimizi bu değerlerin dışına çıkmış, Atatürk'ün çizdiği çağdaş rotadan uzaklaşmış gösterme çabalarını kınıyor ve tüm varlığımızla karşı çıkıyoruz. Aksi halde, Türkiye Cumhuriyeti, tarihte örnekleri olan, bunalımlı ve bekası için en tehlikeli olayları yaşama risk ve tehdidi ile karşılaşabilecektir.
Türk Milletinin bağrından çıkan şanlı bir geçmişe sahip, Ana ve Mavi Vatan’ın koruyucusu Deniz Kuvvetleri Komutanlığı personelinin Atatürk ilke ve devrimleri doğrultusunda yetiştirilmesi elzemdir. Ülkemizin her köşesinde denizde, karada, havada, iç güvenlik bölgesinde ve sınır ötesinde fedakârca görev yapan, Mavi Vatandaki hak ve menfaatlerimizin korunması için Atatürk’ün gösterdiği yolda canla başla çalışan cefakâr Türk Denizcilerimizin yanındayız.
04 Nisan 2021
Deniz Şehitlerimizi anarak Saygıyla duyururuz."

Kaliteli bir thread acabilirsen ac. Gormezden gelemeyiz. Ankara Cumhuriyet Bassavciligi sorusturma acmis. Hukumetten cevap da geliyor. Thread'i acarsan ingilizceye cevir. Bu onemli.


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Public prosecutor of Ankara started investigations, Fahrettin Altun head of media and communications and other high ranked AKP members immediately targeted it.

Those who put the right of law under their feet changed the constitution how it suits them now talk about Right of Law and Democratic country, those who opened the way for the 2016 Coup by giving free passage to FETOists now describe this STATEMENT as coup declaration.

What a dirty sneaky POLICY, it is not a THREAT but a WARNING.


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And AKPeons are now shouting how this is a coup, that the ones who wrote that are traitors, terrorists etc.

Unfortunately the Turkish Armed Forces have been destroyed by Erdogan and his FETO buddies a long time ago... like any other institution in Turkey.


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AKP guys are going nuts because their intentions to retreat from Montreux agreement is being announced to people.
Instead of telling " those claims do no reflect truth", coordinate by their PR manager Altun, they are screaming " this is a coup attempt", which clearly surface their intention to retreat from agreement.
They have literally became Karens who can not make counter arguments but only yell "this is coup"


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Let's keep this THREAD updated this is VERY IMPORTANT, playing with Montreux means playing with Turkish sovereignity and rights.

Those who can't write their names properly with IQ's below their shoe size now have a opinion and can insult people who gave their lifetime to protect this country and who were thrown into prison without any proofs and some even killed.

No dignity, no honour.


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Akp might have even brought this Montreux topic up just to create a controversy so that they can use the controversy to create a counter-controversy to consolidate political power.
This is Akp we are talking about after all and since bringing up Montreux was a totally pointless thing and the way they reacted to retired admirals it is obvious that they did this for the reason I mentioned above.


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“People are free to express their opinion as long as they are not restrict other’s freedom and not aiming harm to anything.”
Because of this inappropriate response (in my view), I’m started to unfollow some twetters who support this response.
We’re not civilized enough yet. 😭


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Erdogan and the akp should not fear another coup its just these admirals putting their opinion.

Cihat Yayci even complained about Monteruex despite us controlling the straits we dont make money from it due to every ship passing. He still believes the convention is important.

Ataturks plan was to takeover the straits fully even with the military the Allies had to play dirty with their diplomacy by finding a restriction.

I think its all about challenging the status quo so either convention gets amended to our favour or we could lose it because we are still not strong enough.

When it comes to geopolitics. Erdogan is all over the place by making enemies with everybody. So how can we know he will challenge the status quo.

Kanal Istanbul is just a gamble. Im looking at both sides the pros and cons. Hard to lean on one side. Biggest problem I have with Kanal Istanbul is the cost. Mega Projects are not cheap they are costly can even cost the economy big time. Remember this the Suez Canal and the Panama Canal were all mega projects that costed the country its economy.

Just my opinion nothing else.

KKF 2.0

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My opinion:

As you guys know, I don't give a hoot about your precious political feelings and, personally, I'm against the Canal Istanbul project. It's neither the right time nor the right investment or the right political environment to commence a project of such dimensions.

But having said that, our "beloved" admirals are pretty much talking BS all the way.

The Montreux Convention

- was not a full-blown victory for Turkey
- has not given Turkey back its full sovereignty over the straits
- has nothing to do with Turkey's neutral stance during the WW II (at most it was just one element of many others which led to Ankara's non-participation)
- is favouring the status quo which is in Russia's best interest, not Turkey's
- is limiting our value as a member of the NATO amongst our Western allies

So, yeah, our admirals are talking like second-class politicians who are afraid of losing their perks.

If Russia is annexing Crimea and breaking international treaties, so should we in order to protect our interests and values.

This is a perfect example of Betonkemalism. This treaty is historically connected to the era of Atatürk, thus, it's holy in our land. Don't you dare criticizing it!

He did what he had to do and his actions made him a great leader but I don't live in 1923 anymore. Like I said before, I'm against the Kanal Istanbul but I won't defend a wrong mentality. It has turned out that in modern times, the Montreux Convention is an invisible shackle on our foot and we need to get rid of it.

The timing and the wording of this declaration is only helping AKP and Erdogan. Whenever I'm thinking that this time Erdogan is heading out of the office, something idiotic like this pops out creating new questions marks.


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My opinion:

As you guys know, I don't give a hoot about your precious political feelings and, personally, I'm against the Canal Istanbul project. It's neither the right time nor the right investment or the right political environment to commence a project of such dimensions.

But having said that, our "beloved" admirals are pretty much talking BS all the way.

The Montreux Convention

- was not a full-blown victory for Turkey
- has not given Turkey back its full sovereignty over the straits
- has nothing to do with Turkey's neutral stance during the WW II (at most it was just one element of many others which led to Ankara's non-participation)
- is favouring the status quo which is in Russia's best interest, not Turkey's
- is limiting our value as a member of the NATO amongst our Western allies

So, yeah, our admirals are talking like second-class politicians who are afraid of losing their perks.

If Russia is annexing Crimea and breaking international treaties, so should we in order to protect our interests and values.

This is a perfect example of Betonkemalism. This treaty is historically connected to the era of Atatürk, thus, it's holy in our land. Don't you dare criticizing it!

He did what he had to do and his actions made him a great leader but I don't live in 1923 anymore. Like I said before, I'm against the Kanal Istanbul but I won't defend a wrong mentality. It has turned out that in modern times, the Montreux Convention is an invisible shackle on our foot and we need to get rid of it.

The timing and the wording of this declaration is only helping AKP and Erdogan. Whenever I'm thinking that this time Erdogan is heading out of the office, something idiotic like this pops out creating new questions marks.

Good opinion to be honest. Whatever hits russian interests im all for it.

We shackle ourselves to the Ottomans and Ataturk too much. Honestly time has moved on we gotta look at the long term rather than ideology or upholding the status quo.

Whatever benefits Turkey is in its best interests. With Kanal Istanbul it looks good on paper but in reality it could lead to long term problems.

I do wish both sides looks at kanal istanbul with a proper lense rather than a party lense of Erdogan vs Opposition, Party vs Party.
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These old timer heads are rotten eggs who are good for nothing. Their hidden masters pulled their strings to extract the last bit of juice out of them. They are voicing the wishes of the invaders of Turkey who made Turkey the loser wanting Turkey to stay the loser. They don't want Turkish sovereignty to be held over Turkish land.

Such a bunch of losers, there is no room for them in modern Turkey.


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Lets say if Britain retired admirals would make statment to cancel Gibraltrar regulation agreement, i am sure that would be met in public as act of treason. This one is the same.
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11 4,953
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These old timer heads are rotten eggs who are good for nothing. Their hidden masters pulled their strings to extract the last bit of juice out of them. They are voicing the wishes of the invaders of Turkey who made Turkey the loser wanting Turkey to stay the loser. They don't want Turkish sovereignty to be held over Turkish land.

Such a bunch of losers, there is no room for them in modern Turkey.
Those "oldtimers" are the reason why you guys praise yourself for Mavi Vatan, MILGEM projects, Turkish EEZ 🤣


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Bosnia & Herzegovina
Those "oldtimers" are the reason why you guys praise yourself for Mavi Vatan, MILGEM projects, Turkish EEZ 🤣
Never the less, they oversteped with statement against country interests or is it in Turkey interest to stay forever and be bounded by that agrement?


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Look at the counter argument “hidden” master. Such a sad statement in itself.

The ret. Adm. Have the right to express their concern. RTE and AKP is running the country like their own backyard.

I think they should go for elections then we’ll seewhat happens. But no they’ll postpone it until forced to, unless they come up with a fake coup to prevent elections.


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Never the less, they oversteped with statement against country interests or is it in Turkey interest to stay forever and be bounded by that agrement?

In a democratic country where everything works decently. Ppl can voice their opinions without being picked up by the police. Would you at least agree on that ? SB is supposedly a democracy after all.

And normally you’d have hearings where public (the people) can challenge politicians decisions and such. Just read up on Denmark if you fail to understand the proces.

None of that exist in Turkey because it’s been turned into a authoritarian regime.


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Those "oldtimers" are the reason why you guys praise yourself for Mavi Vatan, MILGEM projects, Turkish EEZ 🤣
Those are people who want to run their own show rather than helping Turkey.
They also do damage to Turkey's policies stirring public opinion towards non-government opinions.
I've never trusted them, they do what they are doing to gain support for their work, and the supporters can drive them their way. They are not in positions of responsibility
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11 4,953
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Never the less, they oversteped with statement against country interests or is it in Turkey interest to stay forever and be bounded by that agrement?
NO, the Goverment overstepped it and acted long enough against the countries interests.

LOL, they talk about Law, Rights, Democracy but took 10+ retired Admiral (now civilians) in custody this morning only because they've send a letter that should be a warning. ONE question did you actually read the first post? 🤣


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In a democratic country where everything works decently. Ppl can voice their opinions without being picked up by the police. Would you at least agree on that ? SB is supposedly a democracy after all.

And normally you’d have hearings where public (the people) can challenge politicians decisions and such. Just read up on Denmark if you fail to understand the proces.

None of that exist in Turkey because it’s been turned into a authoritarian regime.
People gang up and become gangs becoming criminals.
A person can speak for himself, a gang is a security matter.

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