PM Imran stresses importance of Pakistan-Afghanistan bilateral relations


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PM Imran stresses importance of Pakistan-Afghanistan bilateral relations

Prime Minister Imran Khan had a telephone conversation with Dr. Abdullah Abdullah, Chairman, High Council for National Reconciliation, says a press release.

During the call, Prime Minister Imran Khan emphasized importance of Pakistan-Afghanistan bilateral relations, which are based on commonalities of faith and culture, shared history, and fraternal bonds between the two peoples. The Prime Minister reiterated Pakistan’s commitment to further deepen these brotherly ties and enhance cooperation in all fields.

Prime Minister underlined his long-standing belief that there was no military solution to the conflict in Afghanistan and that a negotiated political settlement was the only way forward. Highlighting Pakistan’s positive contribution to the Afghan peace process, the Prime Minister stressed that the Afghan leaders must seize this historic opportunity to achieve an inclusive political settlement contributing to durable peace, security and prosperity in Afghanistan.

Pakistan looks forward to the commencement of Intra-Afghan Negotiations at the earliest, the Prime Minister said. The Prime Minister extended best wishes to Dr. Abdullah Abdullah as Chairman of the High Council for National Reconciliation and expressed the hope that the Council will successfully achieve its objectives.

The Prime Minister reiterated the invitation to Dr. Abdullah Abdullah to visit Pakistan at the earliest to share perspectives on advancing the Afghan peace process and forging closer ties between the two countries.


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