Polish Army receive first unit of PILICA Anti-Aircraft Missile System. The system have officially entered in service at the 3rd Air Defense Missile Brigade of Polish Army. This is the one of the six ordered system.

One system includes: 6 fire units with artillery tractors, command station, radar station, 2 transport vehicles and 2 ammunition vehicles. Each fire unit of the PILICA system consists of two 23 mm caliber cannons and two GROM / PIORUN anti-aircraft missile launchers. Each set has its own optoelectronic head with a thermal imaging camera and laser rangefinder.

This configuration gives the PILICA system the ability to conduct autonomous operations, but also to operate as part of an integrated, multi-layered anti-aircraft defense as a very short range system (VSHORAD).

PSR-A Pilica wchodzi do uzbrojenia Sił Zbrojnych RP [WIDEO]
Przedstawiciele Konsorcjum PGZ-Pilica, odpowiadającego za realizację programu pozyskania Przeciwlotniczych Systemów Rakietowo-Artyleryjski (PSR-A) pk.

Polish Army receive first unit of PILICA Anti-Aircraft Missile System
Polish Army receive first unit of PILICA Anti-Aircraft Missile System. The system have officially entered in service at the 3rd Air Defense...