because probably he is presidential candidate for pelikan group
recently it was they who exploted the news of kuwiti guy get beaten by turkish guy like a bomb in arab world and they also change the story compeletly so it look like turks are racist. they did it on purpose exactly just when erdogan was going to UAE to get investment. they are media giant and has the backing of both tarikats as well as arab countries and recently they start making trouble both for Erdogan and turkey. these traitors although are ethnic turkish but
they are arab nationalist anti turkist racist its a long story to tell go research their action
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the women in the left is hilal kaplan who is working in TRT right now back in time during so called çozum sureci i remember she was keep saying said Abdullah Öcalan is not an athiest and he perform namaz in secret thus he is a secret muslim but turkish army is murderer
take note that
hilal kaplan and
rasim ozan kütahyalı (husbend of
nagehan alçi) this 3 were the generals that commanded the phycological war against Turkish army in 2000s during so called çozum sureci.
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FETÖ’nün “Kozmik Oda” kumpasının 13. yılında askerlerin tek avukatı Süleyman Ayhan, Aydınlık'a konuştu. Oda’dan alınan gizli belgeleri FETÖ’nün uluslararası istihbarat örgütlerine verdiğine inandığını belirten Ayhan, “Bülent Arınç’la görüşmek istedim. Görüşmedi.” dedi.
Haber çöplüklerinde kaybolmayın, günün en çarpıcı haberlerini, son dakika gelişmelerini, Türkiye ve dünya haberlerini takip edin
it was they who accuse army of assassination planning on erdogans deputy fetöcu Bülent Arınç without any evidence thus the opening of kozmik oda the theft of state secrets as well as martyrdom of 800 turkish spy within pkk
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hilal kaplan recveing award from Armenians for calling Turkish state and Atatürk genocidal
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hilal kaplan attending so called Armenian genocidal rally
like i said they are not only enemy of state but turkishness as well they believe that Turks should fully assimilated into arabic culture and all ummah has right on turkey afghans pakistanies and arabs ... you get the idea. they will do everything to kill turkishness it was they who gather the really in istanbul and call for mehmetcik gazze'ye