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Every human has the right to fight for something. I don't care about what you might fight for. The only thing that is important is that people actually have a chance to win. You a a civilian and you want to fight for something or against something. You should have the right to do it, and the understanding of how to win.
If you continue, be aware, my english is lets say, just decent, so mistakes in gramatic are made. If you are to senzitive about it, and can't read because of it, you shoudn't.
So, riots. First, and the most important, to participate in a riot just to be an extra number, is a stupid way of thinking. Why are you participating? Just becausse other do, so the horde mentality gives you courage? Or you fight for something, you understand it and you are willing to die for it. If you do, you can win.
Now, lets get to how? First, even dough is your right, things can get bad, very fast, so a protest can turn into a riot. so now you are doing something illigal. In autoritarian states, that is a very big issue. So, from the start protect /hide who you are. Don't just hand yourself to them. Did you see at the capitol riot, how it went down, days, weeks after. People are getting arested. And is a hard thing to win, in a court law, depending on the country. Always were a mask, the more you do, the better for you.
On the same page as hidding your face. When you go home, or go to the riot, deviate from the direct path to your home. Add another 10 minuts of walking/car drive, and therefore distance, in different directions. I say this and i a sure is true, in countries like china, or america, no crime can be comited that can't be solved. In big cities. I am sure about that. There are that many cameras, and the tehnology to anylize all the footige. But there is no interest to spend that much money for a low level robbery. But it can be done. So, add iluzions. Know where are blind spots in this systems. That is where you change your cloths/your jacket and your attitude. By attitude, i mean: lets say you just killed someone in the riot or whatever, you are on the run, they are looking or will look for you. So you have the runaway attitude. Scared, looking behind, a speady pace, gestures that say, you did it. So, at a blind spot, you change how you look( so you should have another pair of cloths underneath.) and change you. Now, you walk, no matter what you don't look behind, you didn't do it. You must believe that and you will act like it. At this point all that you have with you, is abandoned. In case you are stoped, there is notthing on you, and you should be to far away to be any conection. In places with many people, no one will notice you, that you are changhing your cloths. No one want to look at that. In secluded places, is adngerous from one point of view. The security camera from the corners of the street saw someone go on at a certain time, and there only one leaving, so even if you change your cloth it can still be traced. A little bit of activity offer more leads to the goverment, and therefore more time for you.
A lot more can be said there, but you are not running after you asasinated the president, you are running after a riot, so is more then good enough.
After identity, comes protection. Have you seen the soldier what they have? the cops, the security personal that deals with riots? body armour, full tactical gear. Now, that can be to expensive, or not posible to obtain. But nowadays, the internet offer so many alternatives. A body protection is an obligation. Chest, hands, legs, head. Legs and hand, are the easiest. A lot of stuff ofer protection against hits. On the head, helments, at least a motorbike helmet. Protective glases, is such a powerful aid. Not only against hits, but the paper sprays, or the teargas. Gas masks are so good, and in a lot of places are easally to obtain. A cloth for the nose and mouth. Boots, nothing else on your feet. This is the base, becasue you can add so much. Polycarbonats are so rezistent to shock, cheap and avaible in many places. Very good for riot shields/ body armour. There are so many tutorials, with tests that work. Yes it takes time, and some small investment, but in the riot, is unbelivable what all this mean for you. So protection. Have a backpack with what you need:water, extra whatever. But thinck first, on what you might need and take it.
Most participate at a riot like is a game. A horde mentality that we are rebelios and that is it. When you get knocked out, and arested they realize the numbers disnt helped. If you participate, then do yourself a favor, and be smart. And you can actually win. Not just participate. Like a loser.
Defense first, because that is how you survive, then weapons. Here, i can't enter in much detail, because most know what a weapons is. But the most important, it depends so much on the country. The weapon can be just a sword or a stick. No problem what is, but know what is. Make it as a decision that you made, it was not made for you. So you know, you have a stick agasint water cannons/ 200 armerd cops, horses and whatever.
Now, that the preparation is done, the tactic. No goverment is worried in a serios way about a riot. Because it has no chance of winning. In that way. Riots win, because the support of the people growns and the presure grows. Some side made a mistake, maybe the cops were to brutal and that adds to the presure. Riots with in the deplomatic way, they are the starter, but is the presure from the people( all, even those that stay home) that wins the change. Riots don't win in the actual way, 99% of the times is like this. What i talk about, and will talk about is how to win in that 1% way. Because even if the riot doesnt take out the goverment in the entire country, it can still create a lot more presure for the change to happen. If the riot starts because a cop killed someone. And the riot actually wins against the security forces on the ground, the change asked by the people will happen a lot faster, and as is demanded. If is just a normal riot, smashed windows/cars, unrest/fights and a lot in jail, the goverment knows that is can mantain contraol or it will take control in a matter of days. The rioters because of tehir behaivior will atract hatred against themselves, because of what they do. The goverments know this, so they don't want to push to hard, because they don't have to. The rioters turn their own people against themselves because they loot and all that. The goverment just adds some force, but most of the time they stand back and wait for the people to turn agasint the rioters.
Because you know this, you know the goverment will not throw all they got on you, so you have time and oportunity. Now, no organized army/goverment/institution/group will fear an unorganized one. Because the later one will fall. In most riots, they have the number. They are more then the cops, and yet, they never win. Why? Because they are 1000-5000 or whatever the number of the riot is, of leaders. everyone is alone. No one gives orders, and someone fallows. So of course it has no chance.
So, the first thing, that also must be maybe pre-riot, is organization. You still have the number of those that participate in the riot. But if you organize some, they will become the captains. You will see, peopel follow people at things like this. Is a horde mentalaty, so if someone takes change, the rest will obey. You just need to be one of those and have some more. The more the better, but this a cap. Know all those you recrute. Because cops will always be inflitrated in this riots as civilians. to point out later who did what. So, know the people and organize. Make a plan.
Now, to the actual night of revolte. What are some tactics and what can be the plan. First, never fight where the enemy is strong. This will be the last point to talk about. How most riots go? The is a front line of cops. all the sides, and the back is secured. So they force you to fight them, whre they are the strongest. If there are more geared people, and since you have the number, this can be a fight you can actually take and win. Because cops count on disorganization, lack of courage(that the people wont attack) and that they wont be prepared. You and other have the gear, you fight at equal level. But you can suround them and they will retrat fast. Most of the time they have orders to push, but if things get just a bit tu much, them have orders to retrat. Because it will look so bad for them, if even a few cops get captured by the rioters. If they use weapons of range. Teargase, grenads, then attack. Take the fight to them. The numbers will win. And it only takes some to have the courage to move forward. The rest will come after you. The ones after,( the third row) they don't even know where are they runnig toward, but they will do it. Is the mentalaty, and it works, because the 50 cops see 500 people running towardss them. The underpaid, people that fight for money, not a principle, start to fear and so fast that creats a defeat. It happaned so many times in history, courage to break the enamy lines. Just courage.
Someone has to be in change. The rest, are spread, but are in touch with the leader. As soon as you arive, you start to talk with your fellow man in arms. Talk a big game. You are part of a group, they see the gear on you. Talk of how you are united and a lot more then how much you actually are. Those arround will obey. Most people are weak and like to fallow, not to lead. Divade in groups, just like an army. It depends on how good you are to inspire and to organize, very fast. Every one in your organization, will take a group of people from the unknow rioters that showed up. And each group has its own objectives. Just like an army. But the key to victory is to organize those people. If you can do it, you won.
As the riot, and so the violance starts, the cops will focus on a side. Thir cars and suport teams, will be at the back of that line. As the riot goes on, only then, some more people will start to apear. Just like a normal mission, attack where the enemy doesnt expect. At this a network of information is so helpfull. Because to know, hey is a cop car at that corner. The center of their forces are there. That will help. But you can group up at a safe point and march/attack small groups of cops, and then the forces that fight the rioter, from an unsecured side.
First tactic is here: You fight for the right cause, the goverment is the enemy( corupt or whatever is the reason) so you are justified to do this.
Capture cops/personal from the goverment. Never kill them. Capture them and take them in the middle of your own. Atract the journalits and now you have a barganing tool. With no identity, ask what you want. From here, you must have a certain plan. Maybe you created a plan in which, you demand the cops to retreat, and they will, for some space, from some arias. All that you can take over, lower the enemy control, and increase your. Always control the mob, and this is the first moment in which you can be the leader. The mob sees that, the people back home and the goverment. So they have an exact target. Promise the people, no colateral damage, and promis you will try to enforce that. The people must see you as their friend. You work as a man of the people. Just like the goverment will lie, lie first and be good at it. No exagerations, most people can't pull that off, and the goverment has means to prove you lied. Once you are seen as a lier, you are done. So, if you lie, lie very well. Make the people as your people, you are their hand.
As the cops retreat, in the short hours after the first capture, you have a lot of power and momentum. Use it. As the cops retreat, they can move into places where your rioters can surround them. Now if the place is chosen corectly, they are cut from the police stations, and therefore, have only the weapons they brought with them. Probably non leathel and in a certain amount. They will have a choise: to surrender compleatly( that group that got cut off) or fight, probably to the death. Since you didnt hurt the captured cops, they will surender. Force that. the more groups do it, the less enamiesyou have. Send more people there, appear more powerful then you are, be agresive, but with promises of peace/mercy. Force as many as you can to surender.
Now, every city has a certain amount of cops + intervation teams+ those in rezervs. You have to focus on those on active duty. Which is a limited number. After some groups are captured, all must be fast moved in the center of your rioters, and always have many around them, to discurage the goverment in making and attack to recapture them. Imediatly after that, i would say in the secound or third hour, move for the goverment officials. Announce is just taks, move a many as you have there. the mayor and other will come. Take them prisoners. Now is the next faze. You captured someone important and you have some cops into your power. From here, you must stop. First you cant defeat an actualy army. You won against cops, but against the national gurd or army, you can't. So, what now? here is another decision. You have proven your worth, what the people can do, whn they are united. Your face can be powerful if you chose to show it. The people are on your side, you can negociate, bla bla bla. But the key point is that you realise everyone, very fast after, even without the goverments aproval of what evern you demande. Your tone must became like a friend talking to a friend. You are not demanding, you are saying how good it would be, if the country will be like this, the people will be this. You becaome the hero, and the people eat that well. Protection agasint the goverment, because you are known. And you realise all the captured prisoners and all go home. you actually won.
Or, you can chose the violant one. Exterminate all the captured people. The tone is from the begining to end as demanding and in charge. Execute all, make your demands, but all of them to be for the people, exactly what you are fighting for. Don't allow the journalits to see the executions as they are being done. Only after. After the execution, all go home, dont maintain control in what you canpured because you cant hold it. Step back, all go home. Now, in the first case, you will have power. Maybe the change. Maybe not, but you have so few enamyes, including the cops, because you let them live. It is a very good way. Agresion and then compasion.
In the secound case, the is a lot of fightinh and you are in until the end. And it will continue. It will take hours for the national guard to be invoked, and sent. Time in which all go home. If you done all right, even when they come, there is a lot to invastigate. You and all the other can remain untached. If you chose this type, then so much more can be said on what to do next. But one quick thing is this: all cops have families in their cities. People know that a cop lives next to me. Information can be oobtained and when a riot starts, some do what it was said above, and some small groups attack those families. Take prisoners, and use them in the plan. It will break the goverment so much faster. But know what to tell the people. You want the population to be on you side and agasint the goverment because the war can be long.
Never fight where the enemy is strong, find the weakness. This is made because the opresed can't win agasint the evil, the coruption, the rich. I hope it will help them when they fight for freedom, for justice and i hope it won't be used by other groups. If the goverment is the enemy kill only the goverment. Leave the civilians alone.
If you continue, be aware, my english is lets say, just decent, so mistakes in gramatic are made. If you are to senzitive about it, and can't read because of it, you shoudn't.
So, riots. First, and the most important, to participate in a riot just to be an extra number, is a stupid way of thinking. Why are you participating? Just becausse other do, so the horde mentality gives you courage? Or you fight for something, you understand it and you are willing to die for it. If you do, you can win.
Now, lets get to how? First, even dough is your right, things can get bad, very fast, so a protest can turn into a riot. so now you are doing something illigal. In autoritarian states, that is a very big issue. So, from the start protect /hide who you are. Don't just hand yourself to them. Did you see at the capitol riot, how it went down, days, weeks after. People are getting arested. And is a hard thing to win, in a court law, depending on the country. Always were a mask, the more you do, the better for you.
On the same page as hidding your face. When you go home, or go to the riot, deviate from the direct path to your home. Add another 10 minuts of walking/car drive, and therefore distance, in different directions. I say this and i a sure is true, in countries like china, or america, no crime can be comited that can't be solved. In big cities. I am sure about that. There are that many cameras, and the tehnology to anylize all the footige. But there is no interest to spend that much money for a low level robbery. But it can be done. So, add iluzions. Know where are blind spots in this systems. That is where you change your cloths/your jacket and your attitude. By attitude, i mean: lets say you just killed someone in the riot or whatever, you are on the run, they are looking or will look for you. So you have the runaway attitude. Scared, looking behind, a speady pace, gestures that say, you did it. So, at a blind spot, you change how you look( so you should have another pair of cloths underneath.) and change you. Now, you walk, no matter what you don't look behind, you didn't do it. You must believe that and you will act like it. At this point all that you have with you, is abandoned. In case you are stoped, there is notthing on you, and you should be to far away to be any conection. In places with many people, no one will notice you, that you are changhing your cloths. No one want to look at that. In secluded places, is adngerous from one point of view. The security camera from the corners of the street saw someone go on at a certain time, and there only one leaving, so even if you change your cloth it can still be traced. A little bit of activity offer more leads to the goverment, and therefore more time for you.
A lot more can be said there, but you are not running after you asasinated the president, you are running after a riot, so is more then good enough.
After identity, comes protection. Have you seen the soldier what they have? the cops, the security personal that deals with riots? body armour, full tactical gear. Now, that can be to expensive, or not posible to obtain. But nowadays, the internet offer so many alternatives. A body protection is an obligation. Chest, hands, legs, head. Legs and hand, are the easiest. A lot of stuff ofer protection against hits. On the head, helments, at least a motorbike helmet. Protective glases, is such a powerful aid. Not only against hits, but the paper sprays, or the teargas. Gas masks are so good, and in a lot of places are easally to obtain. A cloth for the nose and mouth. Boots, nothing else on your feet. This is the base, becasue you can add so much. Polycarbonats are so rezistent to shock, cheap and avaible in many places. Very good for riot shields/ body armour. There are so many tutorials, with tests that work. Yes it takes time, and some small investment, but in the riot, is unbelivable what all this mean for you. So protection. Have a backpack with what you need:water, extra whatever. But thinck first, on what you might need and take it.
Most participate at a riot like is a game. A horde mentality that we are rebelios and that is it. When you get knocked out, and arested they realize the numbers disnt helped. If you participate, then do yourself a favor, and be smart. And you can actually win. Not just participate. Like a loser.
Defense first, because that is how you survive, then weapons. Here, i can't enter in much detail, because most know what a weapons is. But the most important, it depends so much on the country. The weapon can be just a sword or a stick. No problem what is, but know what is. Make it as a decision that you made, it was not made for you. So you know, you have a stick agasint water cannons/ 200 armerd cops, horses and whatever.
Now, that the preparation is done, the tactic. No goverment is worried in a serios way about a riot. Because it has no chance of winning. In that way. Riots win, because the support of the people growns and the presure grows. Some side made a mistake, maybe the cops were to brutal and that adds to the presure. Riots with in the deplomatic way, they are the starter, but is the presure from the people( all, even those that stay home) that wins the change. Riots don't win in the actual way, 99% of the times is like this. What i talk about, and will talk about is how to win in that 1% way. Because even if the riot doesnt take out the goverment in the entire country, it can still create a lot more presure for the change to happen. If the riot starts because a cop killed someone. And the riot actually wins against the security forces on the ground, the change asked by the people will happen a lot faster, and as is demanded. If is just a normal riot, smashed windows/cars, unrest/fights and a lot in jail, the goverment knows that is can mantain contraol or it will take control in a matter of days. The rioters because of tehir behaivior will atract hatred against themselves, because of what they do. The goverments know this, so they don't want to push to hard, because they don't have to. The rioters turn their own people against themselves because they loot and all that. The goverment just adds some force, but most of the time they stand back and wait for the people to turn agasint the rioters.
Because you know this, you know the goverment will not throw all they got on you, so you have time and oportunity. Now, no organized army/goverment/institution/group will fear an unorganized one. Because the later one will fall. In most riots, they have the number. They are more then the cops, and yet, they never win. Why? Because they are 1000-5000 or whatever the number of the riot is, of leaders. everyone is alone. No one gives orders, and someone fallows. So of course it has no chance.
So, the first thing, that also must be maybe pre-riot, is organization. You still have the number of those that participate in the riot. But if you organize some, they will become the captains. You will see, peopel follow people at things like this. Is a horde mentalaty, so if someone takes change, the rest will obey. You just need to be one of those and have some more. The more the better, but this a cap. Know all those you recrute. Because cops will always be inflitrated in this riots as civilians. to point out later who did what. So, know the people and organize. Make a plan.
Now, to the actual night of revolte. What are some tactics and what can be the plan. First, never fight where the enemy is strong. This will be the last point to talk about. How most riots go? The is a front line of cops. all the sides, and the back is secured. So they force you to fight them, whre they are the strongest. If there are more geared people, and since you have the number, this can be a fight you can actually take and win. Because cops count on disorganization, lack of courage(that the people wont attack) and that they wont be prepared. You and other have the gear, you fight at equal level. But you can suround them and they will retrat fast. Most of the time they have orders to push, but if things get just a bit tu much, them have orders to retrat. Because it will look so bad for them, if even a few cops get captured by the rioters. If they use weapons of range. Teargase, grenads, then attack. Take the fight to them. The numbers will win. And it only takes some to have the courage to move forward. The rest will come after you. The ones after,( the third row) they don't even know where are they runnig toward, but they will do it. Is the mentalaty, and it works, because the 50 cops see 500 people running towardss them. The underpaid, people that fight for money, not a principle, start to fear and so fast that creats a defeat. It happaned so many times in history, courage to break the enamy lines. Just courage.
Someone has to be in change. The rest, are spread, but are in touch with the leader. As soon as you arive, you start to talk with your fellow man in arms. Talk a big game. You are part of a group, they see the gear on you. Talk of how you are united and a lot more then how much you actually are. Those arround will obey. Most people are weak and like to fallow, not to lead. Divade in groups, just like an army. It depends on how good you are to inspire and to organize, very fast. Every one in your organization, will take a group of people from the unknow rioters that showed up. And each group has its own objectives. Just like an army. But the key to victory is to organize those people. If you can do it, you won.
As the riot, and so the violance starts, the cops will focus on a side. Thir cars and suport teams, will be at the back of that line. As the riot goes on, only then, some more people will start to apear. Just like a normal mission, attack where the enemy doesnt expect. At this a network of information is so helpfull. Because to know, hey is a cop car at that corner. The center of their forces are there. That will help. But you can group up at a safe point and march/attack small groups of cops, and then the forces that fight the rioter, from an unsecured side.
First tactic is here: You fight for the right cause, the goverment is the enemy( corupt or whatever is the reason) so you are justified to do this.
Capture cops/personal from the goverment. Never kill them. Capture them and take them in the middle of your own. Atract the journalits and now you have a barganing tool. With no identity, ask what you want. From here, you must have a certain plan. Maybe you created a plan in which, you demand the cops to retreat, and they will, for some space, from some arias. All that you can take over, lower the enemy control, and increase your. Always control the mob, and this is the first moment in which you can be the leader. The mob sees that, the people back home and the goverment. So they have an exact target. Promise the people, no colateral damage, and promis you will try to enforce that. The people must see you as their friend. You work as a man of the people. Just like the goverment will lie, lie first and be good at it. No exagerations, most people can't pull that off, and the goverment has means to prove you lied. Once you are seen as a lier, you are done. So, if you lie, lie very well. Make the people as your people, you are their hand.
As the cops retreat, in the short hours after the first capture, you have a lot of power and momentum. Use it. As the cops retreat, they can move into places where your rioters can surround them. Now if the place is chosen corectly, they are cut from the police stations, and therefore, have only the weapons they brought with them. Probably non leathel and in a certain amount. They will have a choise: to surrender compleatly( that group that got cut off) or fight, probably to the death. Since you didnt hurt the captured cops, they will surender. Force that. the more groups do it, the less enamiesyou have. Send more people there, appear more powerful then you are, be agresive, but with promises of peace/mercy. Force as many as you can to surender.
Now, every city has a certain amount of cops + intervation teams+ those in rezervs. You have to focus on those on active duty. Which is a limited number. After some groups are captured, all must be fast moved in the center of your rioters, and always have many around them, to discurage the goverment in making and attack to recapture them. Imediatly after that, i would say in the secound or third hour, move for the goverment officials. Announce is just taks, move a many as you have there. the mayor and other will come. Take them prisoners. Now is the next faze. You captured someone important and you have some cops into your power. From here, you must stop. First you cant defeat an actualy army. You won against cops, but against the national gurd or army, you can't. So, what now? here is another decision. You have proven your worth, what the people can do, whn they are united. Your face can be powerful if you chose to show it. The people are on your side, you can negociate, bla bla bla. But the key point is that you realise everyone, very fast after, even without the goverments aproval of what evern you demande. Your tone must became like a friend talking to a friend. You are not demanding, you are saying how good it would be, if the country will be like this, the people will be this. You becaome the hero, and the people eat that well. Protection agasint the goverment, because you are known. And you realise all the captured prisoners and all go home. you actually won.
Or, you can chose the violant one. Exterminate all the captured people. The tone is from the begining to end as demanding and in charge. Execute all, make your demands, but all of them to be for the people, exactly what you are fighting for. Don't allow the journalits to see the executions as they are being done. Only after. After the execution, all go home, dont maintain control in what you canpured because you cant hold it. Step back, all go home. Now, in the first case, you will have power. Maybe the change. Maybe not, but you have so few enamyes, including the cops, because you let them live. It is a very good way. Agresion and then compasion.
In the secound case, the is a lot of fightinh and you are in until the end. And it will continue. It will take hours for the national guard to be invoked, and sent. Time in which all go home. If you done all right, even when they come, there is a lot to invastigate. You and all the other can remain untached. If you chose this type, then so much more can be said on what to do next. But one quick thing is this: all cops have families in their cities. People know that a cop lives next to me. Information can be oobtained and when a riot starts, some do what it was said above, and some small groups attack those families. Take prisoners, and use them in the plan. It will break the goverment so much faster. But know what to tell the people. You want the population to be on you side and agasint the goverment because the war can be long.
Never fight where the enemy is strong, find the weakness. This is made because the opresed can't win agasint the evil, the coruption, the rich. I hope it will help them when they fight for freedom, for justice and i hope it won't be used by other groups. If the goverment is the enemy kill only the goverment. Leave the civilians alone.