Türk Havacılık ve Uzay Sanayii (TUSAŞ) Türkiye’yi uzayda bir üst lige taşıyacak “Yüksek Çözünürlüklü Mikro Uydu Sistemi” Projesi kapsamında DELTAV ile imzalar atıldı. Sözleşmeye göre, TUSAŞ, […]
Turkish Aerospace Industries (TUSAŞ) signed agreements with DELTAV within the scope of the “High Resolution Micro Satellite System” Project that will carry Turkey to the upper league in space.
According to the agreement, TUSAŞ will launch its national micro satellite with a high resolution electro-optic payload into space with the domestic propulsion system developed by DELTAV.
Many systems in the High Resolution Micro Satellite to be produced indigenously by TUSAŞ are being developed with domestic and national resources.
These systems include the satellite’s ground and flight software, power and interface units and flight computers.
With the agreement signed with DELTAV, the propulsion system in the micro satellite to be produced indigenously will be produced with domestic resources and integrated into the satellite and the launch into space will be carried out.
Thus, with the “High Resolution Micro Satellite System” project with electro-optic payload launched with TUSAŞ’s own resources, Turkey will be among the countries with a say in this field in the world.
The micro satellites developed by TUSAŞ engineers can be used in many strategic areas from defense to environmental monitoring, from disaster management to urban planning.
After the first satellite is put into operation, it is aimed to develop and send satellites with 0.9 m and 0.5 m resolution into space.
The concept of the constellation satellite will be realized with the launch of all our nationally produced satellites.
While the preliminary design definition activities, which are one of the critical stages in the project, were successfully completed, the critical design definition stage studies were accelerated.
The satellite command and control activities planned within the scope of the project will be carried out via the “Akinci Ground Station” located in TUSAŞ facilities.
Turkish Aerospace Industries has signed an agreement with DeltaV to procure propulsion equipment for the High-Resolution Micro Satellite System Project.