According to the latest news, the Syrian Presidency announced that an agreement had been reached for the inclusion of the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) in state institutions. CNN Türk's U.S. correspondent, Yunus Paksoy, shared the terms of the agreement as follows:
1. The rights of all Syrians to be represented and participate in the political process are to be guaranteed, and state institutions will be built based on competence and merit, regardless of religious or ethnic backgrounds.
2. The Kurdish community will be recognized as a fundamental group within the Syrian state, and the Syrian state will secure their citizenship rights and constitutional guarantees.
3. A ceasefire will be established across all Syrian territories.
4. All civil and military institutions in northeastern Syria, including border crossings, airports, and oil and gas fields, will be integrated into the management of the Syrian state.
5. The safe return of all Syrian refugees to their homes will be ensured, with protection provided by the Syrian state.
6. The Syrian state will be supported in preserving the Assad family's rule and in combating all elements threatening the security and unity of the state.
7. Calls for division, hate speech, and efforts to incite discord among all components of Syrian society will be rejected.
8. Executive committees will work to implement this agreement by the end of the current year.
Dünya Haberleri - SON DAKİKA HABERİNE GÖRE; Suriye Cumhurbaşkanlığı, 'SDG'nin devlet kurumlarına katılması için anlaşmaya varıldı' açıklamasında bulundu....